⚫ Shadow ⚫

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(Haileys P.O.V.)

It's been a few days since Jake has told us he's...........broken. We've been trying to cheer him up and its been working a bit, but he still isn't 100 percent normal. Right now I'm walking home with the music club except Jake....we all decided to talk at Zander and I's house, on the way we spot a abandoned house that looked so old, broken, and haunted. Something you should know before you go inside this house is that every single kid who has went inside that house has never come out, all of them have gone missing and when the searchers go inside to try to find the kid or body they come out with nothing.

"Jeez, this place gives me the creeps!" Milly shivered

"Wait....." Luke grabs all attention

"Isn't that....?" Luke points a finger towards the front yard of the house

We follow the way he's pointing to see

"Jake!?" Zander yells

But Jake didn't seem to be listening. He was looking at the front of the house slowly stepping towards it

"Jake wait!" Luke runs after him

"Jake what are you doing?!" Jake faces Luke and seems to snap out of it

"H-huh?" Jake looks at Luke confused

I look and see something black like a shadow wrapping around one of Luke and Jakes legs

"Guys! Watch out!" I yell towards them

"Wha-?" They both start, but they get yanked

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" They both scream as they get dragged into the house, the door slams shut.



Me and Zander yell their names, but no response

"W-what just happened......?" Sean stares at the door in shock

"W-we need to go in after them!" Milly exclaims

"Millys right we don't know what danger lurks in that house, and they can get hurt!" Zander supports Millys idea

"A-alright" I agree with them

"Guys?" We all turn around to see Elliot and Daisy standing next to eachother

"Daisy? Elliot?" Sean asks

"Yeah thats us....what happened? You all look terrified" Elliot softly asks

"J-jake and Luke g-got pulled inside that h-house!" Milly starts to cry

Elliot walks over and comforts Milly

"What do you guys plan on doing?" Daisy takes a step foward looking worried

"We plan on going inside right now" I answer

"I'll come to. I have some weapons in my purse because my parents were worried one day I would be kidnapped" Daisy pulls out pepper spray (don't mess around with that please its dangerous) and a pocket knife. (Dont mess around with that either)

"You ready?" Daisy asks

"Yeah" We all respond

I open the door to the house with one hand, Zander holding the other since I was scared. We walk inside and immediately hear something

"Your so useless! Even that boy who says he loves you doesn't really mean it! Your such an idiot!"

This voice was not one I recognized, but it was a clue so we start to follow it. We see a door and creak it open peeking inside, we see Luke sitting on the floor wide eyed and crying, his back to a wall. Zander clutches my hand harder showing he is angry, but I signal to him that we need to see who the voice belongs to. We open the door a bit wider revealing a shadow like monster laughing, it wasn't see through like you'd think, it was solid, was about the size of an adult, and had sharp teeth.

"Pssst Daisy can I borrow that knife?" Zander asks

"Uh sure?" Daisy seemed confused, but gave it to Zander anyway

Zander threw it at the figure and it yelped in pain then disappeared, leaving the knife to drop on the floor.

"Luke!" Zander immediately got up and ran to Luke

"You guys find Jake" Zander looked at us as we nodded leaving him alone with Luke who seemed in a trance of fear

(Zanders P.O.V.)

"Luke please answer me!" I shake Luke who was not responding at all, he seemed to be frozen

"Luke please!" Tears start forming in my eyes

"Z-zander..." Lukes voice was raspy

"L-luke?" I ask

"Y-you need to g-get o-out of here" Luke seemed as if he was breaking mind control

"No! I'm not leaving without you!" I exclaim

"B-but he said you didn't love-" I didn't let him finish those horrible words

I pressed my lips harshly against Luke's, he tried to deny it, but I kept going until he finally accepted it. I felt his arms wrap around my torso pulling me closer, then we broke apart as he spun me around and pinned me to the wall he just had his back on.

"Whoops~" Luke smirks

"You jerk..." I mutter while blushing

"Thanks" Luke smiles

"For what?" I ask confused

"For snapping me out of it, it was weird....I felt hopeless and I thought you didn't love me....." Luke turns his face away

"Luke..." I cup his face

"All of my thoughts were negative and I couldn't think of a single positive thought" Luke looks at me

"But when you started to talk and kissed me I started to feel better" Luke scoots closer to me

"Almost as if......your words are my cure....or you are my cure" Luke hugs me his chin on top of my head

I blush a bit.....but smile. Those words mean so much to me, we've been best friends for a long time and since we're lovers now I get this feeling when I wake up. I get so exited to see him, I really love Luke.

"Come on, we need to find the others" Luke helps me up

I head over to where the knife had dropped and pick it up

"Alright let's go" Luke nods

We walk out of the room and start looking around

"Hailey?" I ask

"Zander?" I hear a reply

"Hailey its me and Luke!" I yell

"Coming, come on guys!" I hear Hailey urging the others

Hailey comes around the corner with the rest of the group except...

"You guys haven't found Jake?" I ask

"No we haven't" Hailey hugs me

"I was scared to leave you alone.....I was scared something bad would happen..." I sigh as I hug her back

"Im ok Hailey I promise" She may be my step-sister, but I see her as my real sister

"We were about to go investigate a room" Hailey let's go and points to where she and the group came from

"Ok, let's go" we all head that way and see a door

I creak it open and see...............

Me: muhahahahaha! Cliffhanger! I'm so evil! I'm having a tiny bit of writers block, so if you want you can leave ideas, this was inspired a little bit by IT soooo yeah. Anyway I hope yall have a happy Halloween! Bye!

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