🏥 Hospital 🏥

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(Jakes P.O.V.)

I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a white clean hospital, I tried to get up, but felt the pain in my stomach again. Suddenly a nurse walks in the room looking at me and then she gives me a warm smile,

"Hello my name is Ella and I'm your nurse. Your friends had called us yesterday sounding very panicked, its turns out you had a scar on your stomach and its a good thing they called so soon." Ella explains

" Ella explains

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"Oh..where are my friends now?" I ask

"Their at school, but told me they'd be here as soon as school ended which will be in 30 minutes" She gives me a concerned face

"What happened to get that nasty scar on your stomach?"

"I....." I trail off looking outside the window

"Dont know" I finsh my sentence

"Are you okay?" Ella asks

"Yeah I just...." I think for a moment and let tears fill my eyes

"Want my friends...." I let tears start to stream down my face

"Dont worry they'll swing by" Ella gave me a small smile

"Hopefully" I murmured

Ella sighed and looked at the clock

"I must be going now, press that button if you need anything okay?"

I gave her a small nod as she walked out of the room, I laid back down still having tears run down from my eyes. I wanted the music club....no.....I wanted my family. I wanted the people that changed my life for th......wait.....isn't this......the same exact thing I was thinking in the dream? Whats going on? I sit up and think for a moment while wiping my eyes clean of tears, this whole dream thing was really strange. It was just a dream right?

I hear the door burst open and as I dart my eyes to the door I see Hailey, tears falling from her eyes, hair a mess, and bags under her eyes. There was Zander next to her hair also a mess, but that was about it. I examine the music club for a sec noticing all of them had messy hair and the first thing that came to mind was

Bad sleep.

Hailey rushes to me and gives me a big hug as I felt her tears fall onto my outfit for the hospital, luckily it wasn't paper.

"Oh Jake! We've been worried sick!" Hailey sobs

I hug her tightly as she sobbed and out of the corner of my eye I saw Milly crying to, I motion her to come here. She walks up to me and I gently grab the back of her head with one arm and put it on my shoulder as she starts sobbing, I quietly comfort the two as my eyes darken a bit.

How did I get the scar in my stomach? I really hate to see my family hurting like this, I wanted to protect all of them not the other way around.

"Please don't cry..." I murmured

"Im sorry that I made you worry...I'm fine really"

I only got sobs and sniffles in return, I really wished this was a bad dream. Maybe it is....maybe life is just a fanasty we want to call reality...is that right? I feel like I'm going crazy, but who knows maybe I am.

"T-the good n-n-news is that you a-are coming h-home soon" Hailey tried to keep herself together

"Dont bottle it up. Let it out, you'll feel better once you do." I say

Hailey goes back to sobbing while Milly calms down just a bit, Luke has tears running down while Zander and Sean are trying to not cry, but you can already see the tears forming.

"I can't tell anymore...." All of them look at me

"I can't tell the difference between reality and fanasty" Hailey and Milly stop hugging me

"W-what?" Hailey gasps

"Is life just a game we have no control over?" I ask

"Or maybe its just all a stupid fanasty in our heads" I countine

Hailey gasps while the others stand in shock

"I......think...." I start

"Y-yes?" Sean asks

"I think im........broken."

Me: ima start another book with Jake being a girl and is mute ok? Ok

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