🖤 Now the cinnamon rolls 🖤

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(Daisy's P.O.V.)

"Elliot, isn't that Jake and Luke?"

Right now I was walking home with Elliot, I spotted Jake and Luke in the distance near the house they had gotten pulled into

"Yeah......what are they doing?" Elliot asks

"I don't know, but I think we should be worried"

"Let's go talk to them"

We make our way slowly to the house, but they had already went inside.

"Crap..." Elliot mutters


We spin around to see Hailey, Zander, Milly, and Sean

"Wha-" I start

I get cut off when I feel something on my leg, I slowly look down and see a black shadow wrapped around my leg. It yanks me and drags me into the house

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard Elliot scream beside me

All I remember is the door shutting then everything going black.

(Jake's P.O.V.)

We were inside the abandoned house now.....

Of course, it was sketchy, but we decided to ignore that

I start to hear a voice talking

"Luke do you hear something?" I ask

"Yeah...." Luke responds

We follow the sound as it soon becomes talking along with laughter

Luke froze beside me

"T-thats the s-shadows voice"

I freeze

"D-do you think it got our friends?" I ask

"We better go look" Luke responds

We walk towards the talking and we slowly creak a door open

"Now you shall surrender to dark" The shadow was there

Daisy was lying next to the shadow unconscious, Elliot across from her

I burst open the door and wack the shadow with my backpack

"GAH!!!" The shadow dissapered into thin air

"Check Elliot!" I yell

I crouch next to Daisy and see her breathing was normal and that she didn't have any injuries

"Daisy's ok, what about Elliot?" I turn to Luke

"He's fine, but we better get them out of here"

I nod

I pick up Daisy and put her on my back as she lay limp

What did that monster do to you guys?

I walked out with Luke to the hallway, Luke had Elliot on his shoulder

"GUYS!" We turn to see Sean, Zander, Milly, and Hailey

"We need to get out now." I say with a serious tone

Once we were out if the house they started questioning us

"Why did you go back in there are you out if your mind!?" Hailey yells

"We're sorry, it won't happen again" Luke sighs

"We were worried about you guys......" Millys mutters

"Sorry, anyways Elliot and Daisy need help" I say

They seem to just notice them and Milly and Sean become extremely panicked

"WHAT HAPPENED!? ARE THEY OKAY!?" Milly exclaims

"I don't know.......their out cold" Luke looks back at Elliot

"Was there anyone near them them!?" Hailey demands

"The shadow was near then, but we chased it away" I explain

Zander and Hailey go wide-eyed

"Oh no......" Zander mutters

You could barely hear it, in fact I think im the only one who heard it

"We need to get them to a more comfortable place" Luke breaks my thoughts

"Agreed" I nod

"We can take them to our house....." Hailey says

"Alright let's go"

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