🔊 Voice in our heads 🔊

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(Elliots P.O.V.)

Ugh.........my head...........what.........what happened??

I open my eyes and sit up a bit on a couch I'm on, I look around to find I'm in Hailey and Zander's house? I hear some talking approach me and see Milly and Jake talking to eachother. I clench my fists a bit, but try to keep cool, I don't particularly like when guys beside Zander, Sean, and Luke interact with Milly. Even though Jake's apart of the music club I don't really know if he likes Milly more than a friend.

"Milly?" I ask

Milly and Jake immediately shut up and look to me

"Elliot! Oh my gosh are you alright!?" Milly rushed to my side

"Y-yeah, but what happened?"

"You got pulled into the abandoned house and Jake and Luke found you and Daisy unconscious!" Milly starts tearing up while my heart slows down


"I-Is everybody alright!? Is Daisy ok!? She's like a sister to me! If she got hurt I could never forgive myself! Where is-" My heart beat fastens

"Daisy is ok, she is still unconscious, but she does have a cut on her leg. Also, when you have time you can come to where Daisy is in Hailey's bedroom" Jake gives me a look that I immediately understood

I need to talk to you

"I-ill visit her in a bit"

Jake nods and walks away

"Take care of your boyfriend Milly!"

I blush madly, but at the same time feel relief knowing Jake isn't a love rival

"Jake!!!!!" Milly yells


I open the door to Hailey's bedroom to see Jake, Luke, and Daisy.

"What did you want to talk about-"

"We're infected." Jake states

Me and Daisy go wide-eyed


"Shh!" Luke covers my mouth

"We can't let the others know about this ok?" Jake looks down

"O-ok" I remove Luke's hand

"How are we infected?" I whisper

" I don't exactly know......neither if us do.....but lets hope it cures itself....." Jake sighs

"Guys!!!" We hear Hailey yell

"Coming!!" I yell back

The 4 of us go downstairs to find Zander and Hailey on the couch with Milly and Sean standing, Luke takes a seat by Zander hile me, Jake, and Daisy stand.

"Have you guys been feeling.......sick?" Hailey asks

"No we haven't, why?" Jake replies

"Just wondering, you guys have been acting a little.......off..." Hailey mutters the last part

"Awww is the princess worried about me?" Jake smirks

"Shut up" Hailey rolls her eyes

~Next Day~

(Jake's P.O.V)

Another day of school, tomorrow is the weekend and I plan to chill for the most part.

You are mine. You will be taken over.

"H-huh!?" I turn around and look to see nobody

What was that?

(Luke's P.O.V.)

Right now I'm waiting on a bench in the park for Zander, I hum and let the wind blow until it goes quiet.

Your heart is becoming dark.

"Who's there!?" I sit up and turn one way looking down the path that led to school



I turn around to see Zander looking at me with a concerned face

"O-oh, hey Zander" I relax

"Luke are you ok?" Zander asks

"Yeah, just.......had a difficult morning" I sigh before hugging Zander and resting my head on his shoulder

"I love you Luke, never forget that please" Zander whispers

"I won't..."

(Daisy's P.O.V.)

"Elliot I gotta question" I smirk


"Would you marry Milly?"


I laugh

"Well, how about it?" I ask smugly

"Y-yeah, I guess...." Elliot looks away

Awwww, to bad you'll never get the chance to even ask her out.

"D-did you hear that?" I look to Elliot as be looks to me, we stop walking

"Y-yeah" Elliot looks around

"Theres no one here though...."

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