💟 I've got You: Part 2💟

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(Zander's P.O.V.)


I looked around for them, I felt horrible leaving Milly and Hailey alone. I knew Sean could handle things by himself, but I was worried still, I was secretly beating myself up for not keeping an eye on Hailey. She's my stepsister for goodness sake! I'm supposed to be her brother! I'm supposed to look after her and Milly to!

"HELLO? ANYONE?!" I yell

I run and trip over something


I fall down and feel a sharp pain on my elbow, I sit up and look to see my elbow bleeding a bit. I stand up and start running again regardless of my elbow with my sister being the only thing running through my mind, I run into something and stumble back

"Watch where your going gay freak."

W-Wait a second

I look to see Luke, my lover, looking at me with cold red eyes full of hatred. I feel my eyes start to fill up with tears

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"ZANDER?! ZANDER?! ZANDER!!!!!" I run tears streaming down my face as I call for my brother


I yell his name to see if I get a response, but fail. I fall to the ground and start crying

"ZANDER!!! ZANDER?!?! Zander!!!! Zan....der..."

I start sobbing into my hands, I wanted my brother, I wanted Milly, I wanted Sean, I wanted Jake, I wanted....everyone. I wish that this never happened so that everything would be okay, but no, instead I was here, sobbing, lost, and looking for my brother.

"Geez, are you always such a crybaby?"

I freeze, I knew who that voice belonged to. I look up to see Jake holding a sword and looking down and me frowning.

"W-What?" I ask

"Ugh, are you deaf?" Jake rolls his eyes

That when I took notice that...

His eyes...their...

(Zander's P.O.V.)

I duck as one of Luke's knives came flying at me, it sliced my shoulder on the side, but thats it. I feel the blood run down my skin and I wince a bit at the pain, I bring out my knife

"Awww, is the gay freak gonna cry?" Luke snickers

My heart shattered at those words, I think what made it hurt even more was that he said something to me once

(Flashback to Middleschool)



"I-I'm over here L-Luke...*hic*"

"Oh my god! Zander why are you crying?!" Luke ran up to me and sat infront of me

"T-These guys-"

"Was it Drew, Henry, and Liam again?" Luke growls

"N-No....they don't go as far as m-making f-fun of your sexuality" I stutter

"W-What!?" Luke exclaims

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