🗝 The End 🗝

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(Jake's P.O.V.)

I trace my hand over some of my scars, the doctors said that they might stay there forever. Same with Luke's. I sigh and run my hand through my hair trying to figure out just......why? What did the shadow want from us? The best thing I could think of is that he wanted to do something to the world and decided we would be great people to experiment on, I look up from my porch and see Luke looking at me

I chuckle "It's creepy to stare you know? And rude" 

"Oh shut up, I know it doesn't bother you" Luke laughs and sits next to me

"I can't believe it's finally over" I breathe

"Yeah, it is....." Luke looks down at his scars and pulls the sleeves down

I sigh "Do they really bother you so much you can't look at them?"

"Their a sign of weakness and they remind me of when I hurt-" Luke chokes on a sob

"Woah, woah! Calm down" I wrap an arm around his back and rub his shoulder

I knew exactly what Luke was trying to say. Truth is, my scars reminded me of the same thing, I saw that I was hurting her and yet-

"Great, look what you started you ass. I'm starting to cry to" I laugh and wipe my tears

Luke laughs a bit to "Sorry"

I didn't really mean it, but luckily he knew I was just messing around. We stayed like that til the sun started setting, Luke stood up

"I......better go check in on Zander."

"I'll come with you, I wanna see Hailey" I stand up covering my scars with my sleeves

"And you scolds me for covering mine" Luke smiles

I smile back

"Sorry, let's go"

~A bit of a time skip~

(Zander's P.O.V.)

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-"

"Shhhhhhhhh, just.........rest Luke....."

Luke buries his head into the crook of my neck while keeping his arms around my torso, he had starting apologizing like crazy when he saw the scar he, or well, the shadow gave me. It was bandaged, but he starting to just break down and let it all out, right now we are on my bed hugging eachother. He came by with Jake to visit me and Hailey which was nice. 

"Zander.......I-I'm sorry......" And with that, Luke fell asleep, tears still in his eyes and some falling

I let out a sigh, Luke really did blame himself.

"It wasn't your fault, but if it makes you feel better....." I whisper

"I forgive you"

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"Jake, are you and the others truly alright?" I ask

Jake let's out a sigh and responds with "Yes Hailey, we're fine"

"Okay.......if you say so"

Jake lays down and covers his face with his arm

"So much has happened in only 3 weeks"

"Yeah" I mumble

Silence filled the air, I didn't really know what to say. He and the others have been through a lot, it has to be painful and scarring. I shuffle a bit before an idea pops into my head, I tap Jake lightly and he turns to look at me

"Why don't you and the others go somewhere peaceful?"

Jake looks at me with emotionless eyes for a few seconds, they were dull and full of so much regret, pain, and sadness. He smiles at me and responds with:

"That sounds like a great idea............Babe"

My face flushes as I burry it into my hands refusing to look at Jake, I hear him chuckle

"Guess you can't handle 'Babe' yet huh?"

"Maybe if you start calling me it more then i'll grow into it" I lift my eyes to look at him

"Okay then, i'll start calling you 'Babe' then."

We smile at eachother, slowly, but surely Jake, Luke, Daisy, and Elliot will heal.

~Time Skip~

(Daisy's P.O.V.)

I sat on the bench with Elliot as we watched the waves crash against the rocks, the wind was blowing slightly, and you could hear the birds that we're flying the sky as the sun started to retreat behind the ocean. Me and the boys decided to go to the beach to just talk and relax, we really needed it. Jake and Luke have yet to arrive, but me and Elliot didn't mind

"Hey guys, sorry we're late"

"It's fine, here, come sit." Elliot and I scooted over and Elliot patted next to him signaling forr Jake and Luke to sit down

They do as Elliot requested, they both look out at the ocean as me and Elliot go back to doing the same. Silence was the conversation being shared, nobody spoke, but we all just silently watched the sea enjoying and appreaciating eachothers presence, I looked up towards the sky and looked to see the birds flying high calling to eachother. I look back to ocean and break the silent conversation

"We're finally free...."

I feel Elliot tense up a bit, and just by that I knew Jake and Luke reponse was the same and that I was touching the sensitive part, the one that was like glass, but even more fragile. If you even just put a finger on it, it would break into a million pieces and only one person could fix it.

"Yeah..." Luke breathes out

The sea crashes violently agaisnt a rock, making us all flinch.

"What do you think would've happened to us if we stayed under control?" Elliot whispers

I hear Jake take a shakey breath before answering

"We would probably be tourted...........or Dead"

"But we're not." Luke quickly states

I take a deep deep breath before speaking

"We were lucky enough to have people that love us come through for us, they risked their lives for us and brought us back home. Now, we're never going to have normal lives again. We might need a year or more to fully hear, from the pain....

the torture.....

the screaming......

the scars.....

but with help we'll be just fine, and now that's it's over the most important thing is that.....we're finally free."

Don't leave just yet! There is an Epilouge after this last chapter. Than you so much for reading "The End" and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening/night!

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