💟 I've got You 💟

743 19 13

(Sean's P.O.V.)

We all stood quietly infront of the house, we stayed silent while staring at the house. We were scared, for two reasons, 1: This house was dangerous, any childern that went in never came out. 2: We were scared if our friends were.............no longer on earth.....

"Let's go" Zander breaks the silence

We all nod our heads, we open the door and hold our weapons steady. As the big brother I put myself first so in case anything attacked I would be in the way, we walk further into the house and come to a big entrance that looked like it had been ripped open.

"Should we...?" Milly trailed off

"Yeah." Hailey answers

We start walking into the entrance and look around cautiously, at some point I stop hearing the footsteps of the others, but when I turned around to see if they were lagging behind......they were gone. I immediately freaked out and called their names


I started to run around looking for them, only thinking that something might've happened to them and scolding myself for not paying attention because I was supposed to protect them. I didn't even noticed the puddles around me and how I was coming to an open space, when I got into the open space I looked up to see the ceiling far away to the point you could just barley make it out.

"Well, well, well"

I whip my head to see a familiar girl with white hair....


"Sean Everett." I could hear the venom in her voice

I took notice that her eyes, instead of the baby blue they normally were, they were dark red

Oh no......

(Milly's P.O.V.)


I ran with tears in my eyes, I was scared. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted someone, even if it was Zoey, I'd just want someone to be with me. I ran around frantically looking for the others and calling out their names when I tripped over a rock and fell into a puddle, I stood up wet and cold and started to walk around

"Look who it is, the pink haired devil herself"

I looked up to see Elliot with a scythe smiling evily

"W-What?" I stutter

Wait.......uh oh....

(Sean's P.O.V.)

I dodge Daisy's bullets as she keeps aiming at my shoulders, a bullet hits my shoulder and I wince in pain as I hide behind a wall and hear her say


I hear her walk in my direction and I breath heavily and plan something in my head, I hear her stop right behind me.

I jump up, quickly grab her arm, force her to drop the gun, and fight her to stay still

"LET GO OF ME!" She yells

"Daisy please! Calm down!"

"I don't have to listen to you!"

I struggle to keep her still, until I grab her and pull her into a hug. I hug her tightly

"Please, I just want to help.....I don't want to hurt you at all.....I.....I.....I love you to much"

I hear the baseball bat fall on the ground as Daisy stays still, she was supposedly trying to use it to harm me but dropped it from shock. I shut my eyes tightly praying that it would get through to her, silence filled the cold, messy, space we were in, the echoing of water dropping onto the floor came every now and then. I felt Daisy shuffle in my arms and I hold her tightly thinking she was trying to break free again, but instead of her fighting back I hear her gasp

"Oh my god! Sean, your shoulder!"

I immediately look to see Daisy's face and see her eyes filled with tears while she examined my shoulder, instead of the dark red eyes I was expecting, there was baby blue eyes, the eyes I recognized and loved with all my heart.

"Daisy?" I ask

She looks up at me with the tears falling, once I process that she isn't under control anymore, I hug her again, but this time she starts crying as she hugs me back

"I-I'm so sorry!"

"Shhhhhhhhhh, it's it's okay" I pat her head

I knew she was facing some terrible guilt, it was her hands that harmed me, but it wasn't her mind telling her to do so.

"Come on, let's get you out of here" I say

I pick up the baseball bat and put it on my back, I pick up Daisy bridal style while feeling a bit of pain from my shoulder, but ignore it and start walking out preparing to wait for the others.

(Milly's P.O.V.)

I dodge Elliot's attempts to slice me with his scythe, I hold my gun steady at him, just to threaten him, not to hurt him.

"Your not so bad, but you'll have to do better!" Elliot smiles mischievously

Elliot throws his scythe and it pins me to a wall causing me to drop my gun

"Awww, I was hoping you'd dodge it so we could countine, but no matter" Elliot starts walking my way

I struggle and try and free myself, but it was to late. Elliot had the scythe and was supposedly going to kill me with it. I felt the tears fall from my eyes and squeezed my eyes shut preparing to feel pain, but it never came, when I looked up to look at Elliot I saw him shaking with tears in his eyes leaving me shocked

"Elliot?" I reach my hand on to touch his cheek

Instead, he falls to the ground still shaking

"W-Why? W-Why c-can't I do it?"

I kneel beside him and cup his cheek causing him to look at me, one of his eyes were red with other being the normal chocolate brown I knew

"Elliot, please. I don't want to hurt you." I say softly


Elliot starts to cry

"I don't want to hurt you either"

Elliot's eye flickers between red and brown before finishing with brown

"I-I'm sorry. I should've been stronger" Elliot looks away from me


I cup his face and smile at him

"It's not your fault okay? Now come on let's go find the others"

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