⛓ Slowly, but Surely: Part 2 ⛓

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(Daisy's P.O.V.)

"I'll be right back Daisy"

"Ok Sean!"

I stand in the music room waiting for Sean to come back, I look around at all the instruments set up and try to remember who plays what





Milly=electric guitar


Sean stood out from the rest, maybe it was because he produced music rather than play a certain type of category in music like strings and stuff like that. Or maybe it was due to the fact that I have a crush on him. I walk over to the DJ set, but as soon as I am right next to it I feel a sharp pain in my head. I grab my head and try to keep standing, but my legs weren't working, I start to see everything becoming black and in the moment everything was happening so fast. I fall to the ground and before I pass out I hear the faintest



(Elliot's P.O.V.)

I walk beside Milly in the flower garden, the scene was so beautiful because of how hard my club and I worked on it.

"Wow Elliot! The garden is so pretty! You did a really great job!" Milly looks around

"W-well others helped to...." I stutter nervously

"Yeah, but you stay after school and check all of them! You should just become the garden clubs president" Milly smiles

"I mean Dylan is graduating this year so I guess we'll need a new president..." I think aloud

"You can become president!" Milly boops my nose

"I'm not to sure if I could run a club...." I mumble

"You've got what it takes! And besides your super nice and sweet, you'd be a great club president"

"T-thanks Milly, its nice to know somebody believes in me" I smile

Milly returns a smile and then she says

"Oh! I forgot something in my locker, mind waiting for me?"

"I don't mind, I'll wait for you right here"

"Ok, brb!"

Milly runs into the schools hallway as I stand looking at the flowers, all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my chest where my heart was located at. I immediatly fall to the ground a clutch my shirt tears flooding my eyes at how much it hurt, and given that I'm a weak person, I collapse and close my eyes slowly and barely hear Milly yell my name before passing out.


"Elliot? Elliot!?"

I slowly open my eyes to see Milly with small tears in her eyes

"M-Milly?" I stutter

"Oh thank God your okay! You passed out on the ground crying!"

"O-oh" I slowly sit up

"Are you okay?" Milly asks

"Yeah...." I say

Milly hugs me as my face heats up, I hug her back with one thought in my head

I promise to not let anyone or anything hurt you......

Authors note: Daisy's part waking up won't be written, but her and Sean walking home together after her passing out will be next chapter

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