💭 Bad dream 💭

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(Haileys P.O.V.)




I jolt up and look to see im in my room?

"Hailey are you okay? you were crying"

I look to the side and see that Zander was kneeling beside my bed with concerned eyes, I clear the tears from my face and hug him

"Just a bad dream" I reply

"You wanna skip school?" Zander asks

"No I'm fine, thanks for asking."

I'm really lucky having Zander as a Stepbrother, he may not look it, but he really does care.

"Alright, breakfast is almost done" Zander adds

"Oh! I'll be down in a sec!" I yell as he walks out

I really don't know why I dreamt Jake getting hurt, maybe something will happen to get Jake hurt? I don't know, but I better get ready.

(Jakes P.O.V.)




I bolt up as fast as I can and look to the side of my bed and see my little sister Abigail, she's only a year younger than me, but we go to different schools because most of her friends went to the school she goes to now.

"Yes?" I ask with a sigh

"You need to get up, you don't wanna be late!" Abigail replies

"Fine, fine, I'm getting ready" I say annoyed

"Alright ill be down stairs"

I put on a gray shirt, some jeans, converse, tie a jacket around my waist, and put my earrings on, and my necklace was already on me so I didn't need to put it on.

I walk down stairs and grab my backpack as I hug my sister goodbye and yell to my mom I'm leaving for school. As I'm walking to school my mind drifts back to the dream I had, it was a scary ill admit, I almost died! Well, who knows maybe its warning me something will happen that hurts as much as the knife cutting my stomach.

Me: Sorry for the short chap! I got school, but I can manage! Anyway love you guys bye!

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