💮 Final Fight 💮

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(Hailey's P.O.V.)

I walk with Jake towards the way I came with our weapons in our hands, we walk in silence as it had been just 5 minutes after it had happened. I eventually spotted a small entrance and light ahead, I sped up with Jake following and when we entered we saw Zander and Luke standing in a corner. As soon as me and Zander saw eachother we dropped our weapons and ran to eachother, we embraced one another and were encredibly happy that the other was safe.

"Thank god your safe Hailey" Zander mutters

I started to feel tears, once again, filling up my eyes, for the millionth time

"I-I was so scared when I-I turned a-around and you and the others weren't there, I thought something h-happened to you"

"I'm sorry, I should've been paying more attention"

We let the hug go and I noticed Zander's shirt was ripped at the shoulder revealing a bleeding cut

"Oh my gosh, Zander your shoulder" I say quickly

I notice Luke hang his head and I had a pretty good idea of what happened and how Zander had gotten his injury

"Your leg." Zander says

I look down to my left to see my jeans ripped on the bottom a bit above my converse,

"Touche." I smile, Zander returns the gesture


We all turn to see Milly and Elliot standing hand in hand with their weapons on the ground. I presumed the same thing that happened to me and my brother, happened to them, and even if Sean wasn't here I guessed that he found Daisy

Milly hugged me and Zander

"We're glad to see you safe to Milly" Zander chuckles

Milly looks behind us to see Luke and Jake standing there awkwardly, like they were villans who had just joined the good side after we convinced them. Milly ran to them and hugged them tightly as ever

'I'm so glad you two are safe, but are you harmed?" Milly let the hug go at the question

"I'm good, but...." Luke looked to Jake

Jake shifted uncomfortable as we looked at him

"Oh to hell with it" Luke mumbled

Luke grabbed Jake's long sleeve and rolled it up to reveal several scars with some bleeding. We all gasped as Jake looked away in shame

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect myself...."

I stand there in complete shock, then anger starts to fill me

"The shadow did this?" I clenched my teeth

"Y-Yeah" Jake stutters

Elliot didn't looked suprised, he just walked over and hugged Jake like he was there when it happened-

"Wait. You were with him weren't you? When he got hurt?"

Elliot and Luke stay silent. I wanted to yell at them and blame them, but my senses came and realized they probably couldn't do anything about it, Jake whispers something to them both and they both smile sadly at him

"Everyone!" We all recognized that sweet innocent voice

We saw Sean holding his shoulder that bad dripping blood with Daisy standing beside him

"Oh my god Sean!" I yell with Milly and Zander

Daisy immediately shuts up and take a nervous, guilty, and concerned look at Sean who smiled softly at her as if to tell her silently:

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