⚕ Kidnapped ⚕

705 21 9

(Luke's P.O.V.)




"No Jake."

"Awwwwwww, come on!"

"No! I'm not asking Zander that question!"

"Scardy-Cat" Jake whispers

"Hey!" I exclaim

Me and Jake were out on the soccer field, we were just messing around because Zander and Hailey couldn't stay after school for some reason, but they said that they would tell us tomorrow

"Jake! Luke!"

Me and Jake look to the school building to see Elliot and Daisy walking our way

"Oh hey guys, what's up?" I ask

"Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you guys wanted to come get something from Gacha-Bucks" Daisy smiles

"I'm down" Jake says

He didn't stutter........ooooooooo~ he probably likes Hailey, they are spending a lot of time together

I smirk to myself then replace it with a smile

"I can go"

"Great! Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Daisy exclaims

We walk over to gacha bucks and order drinks, Jake got a iced coffee, I got a frappuccino, then Daisy and Elliot got Vanilla beans with caramel drizzle (Author: I totally don't order the vanilla bean each time I go), we walked out talking and we didn't even notice it, but we were walking towards the house........the house.

"G-guys...." Elliot stutters in fear

We all look to where he was looking and we froze, the house was infront of us and for some reason we were shaking. Maybe because this is where it happened? I don't know......but we couldn't move, almost as if we were frozen in time, and then Jake stutters out

"Guys, t-there's-"

Before he finished he got yanked by the foot and dragged to the ground, Elliot grabbed his hand and I wrapped my arms around Elliots torso as Daisy did the same to me to try and keep Jake from getting dragged into the house. Elliot fell causing me and Daisy to fall and we all got dragged into the house.

(Third person P.O.V.)

They banged on the door that was open moments before they got dragged in, but it was locked tight. They stayed in the opening area hoping to open the door, but Daisy let out a scream and when they turned to look at her she was gone, the boys were utterly shocked and full of fear, after Daisy had vanished.......Elliot was gone.

He was crouching down next to a crumbled piece of paper and let out cry for Luke and Jake to help him, but as soon as they whipped their heads to see what was wrong Elliot was nowhere to be seen, both Luke and Jake were terrified and were holding back tears, Jake looked up after seeing to a crowbar and flashes of his worst fear came to his mind. He screamed and when Luke turned to look behind him where Jake was at he was gone.

Luke stood up straight tears forming in his eyes as he desperately looked around for something to help him escape, but before he could process anything he was left with voices in his head talking about his worst fears, he screamed for Zander, his true love and childhood best-friend, but dissapered without a trace.

A girl with blue hair and periwinkle eyes stood outside the house shocked, she looked to the drinks spilled on the ground and rushed to her brother and sisters house. She ran with tears in her eyes, she ran to tell him his true love was in the abandoned house, she ran to tell her sister that her crush got dragged into the house, she ran to tell her best-friends crushes that both of them were pulled in with the other two.

She bumped into someone and looked up to see a boy with magenta hair and dark brown eyes, when he asked why she was crying she responded that Daisy, Elliot, Luke, and Jake were pulled inside the house of death, the boy stood shocked at hearing the nickname and ran with her to her brother and sisters house. When they got there, they pressed the doorbell and got ready to explain what had happened.

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