🌱 Recovering 🌱

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(Jake's P.O.V.)

I slowly open my eyes, I feel a bit of pain in my arms and legs, but it wasn't to bad. I look to my surroundings to see that the walls are white, there's chairs that are red, and I'm on a bed.

The hospital?

I sit up to see Luke beside me in another hospital bed, that's when I panicked. I care more about my friends than about myself


I look to see a nurse, the same girl who had taken care of me before

"Oh, Ella" I say

"Hello, it's nice to see you again. Your friend is fine, he woke up yesterday and reacted the same way when he saw you, you should take it easy. If you do, you should be able to walk in 3 days" Ella smiles

"That's a relief" I sigh

Then it hit me

"Where are my friends!? Are Daisy and Elliot okay!? Are they hurt?!" I frantically ask

"Your friends are okay, in fact they were here yesterday to visit while you and Mr.Peterson were asleep" Ella responds calmly

I sigh again and lay back down while putting my arm over my eyes

"I'm beat"

"Yeah, me to"

I sit up and look to see Luke up playing with the hospital stuff

"Mother of Rosy Luke! Don't do that, you scared me you asshole" I pout

Luke laughs

"Okay, okay, I won't"

I sigh and lay back down for the third time, I was a bit jumpy becuase of everything that has happened with the shadow. I make myself a bit more comfortable

"So how are your wounds?" I ask

"It stings a bit, but I'll be fine. What about yours?" Luke points to my scars

"Doesn't matter, w-"

"Of course, it matters!" Luke exclaims

"I feel like their on fire, but I'll manage" I say

Luke gives me a worried expression

"You need to care about yourself more Jake, your body isn't invincible. It takes damage just like the rest of us"

I stare a Luke with a blank face for a few seconds before responding

"Fine, if it makes you happy, I'll start caring for myself more"

"There we go" Luke smiles

"I'm glad to see you guys awake"

Me and Luke both jump to see Daisy and Elliot standing there smiling, they both were dressed nicely, but not to fancy. Elliot had flowers in his hands, supposedly to replace the ones next to us

"Holy shit guys, can you not jumpscare us like that?"

Daisy giggled

"Sorry, we really didn't mean to"

"Language. It seems like you guys are doing well, if you take it easy you'll be able to get out of here in about 3 days" Elliot smiles innocently

"So we're told" I say

"Oh! I bought you guys some clothes with the help of your parents" Daisy places a bag down next to us

"Aww thanks Daisy" A smile forms on Luke's face

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