Everyday love

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Wouldn't it be great if life was easy?Without all the struggles or pain. Without having to suffer even once?
That would be the most wonderful thing one could wish for.
But then again...
Would your journey be worth it if you've never had any challenges along the way?
What kind of meaning do you want to give your life?

For each of us, the meaning of life is different. We each are seeking answers so we can find our own meaning of life. For some,it is a lifelong journey and for others, it is a matter of taking the right steps to figure out why we are here, and what we are meant to do with our li-

"This is so frustrating!" Moonbyul groaned. Her loud complain made almost everyone in the library glare at her.

"What is? " Her lover, who's sitting beside her, asked.

"Having to read this boring book!" She whisper yelled, afraid she'd receive any deathly glares again.

"Well it's either that or your teacher will reprimand you for not doing your homework." The girl deadpanned.

"Ugh. Why should I even read about life struggles and such? Who even chose this book?" Moonbyul sighed and slammed her forehead on the table.

"Stop being so dramatic, babe. That book has only 200 pages. " She told her girlfriend, whom she thought was being overdramatic at the moment.
"Also you were the one who chose it."

"I just chose It randomly because I hate reading. I just want to do something else, Hyejin babe." Moonbyul whined, as she turned her head to her girlfriend, poking her cheek.

"Unnie, need some help?" Asked Wheein, a friend of theirs, who was sitting adjacent to them.

"Yes , read this for me." Moonbyul sat up straight in an instant upon hearing the offer and handed the book to Wheein.

"Nah uh." Hyejin interjected ,grabbing the book and hit Moonbyul's head with it.
"Wheein let unnie do it herself. Or that lazy ass won't pass her class."

"Tsk. You're no fun." Moonbyul crossed her arms.

"Stop complaining and do your work. You're only suppose to make a summary of that book after reading it."

"And I have to present it in front of the whole class!" Moonbyul added.

The people glared at her again.
She bowed a couple of times to apologize.

"You do know that there's this thing called the internet, right?" Hyejin sighed.
"Just search some information about it and make a quick summary out of it. "

"But that's a lot of work." Moonbyul whined again.

"You are being a pain right now." Hyejin frowned.

"How the hell did you end up dating her, hyejin ah?" Someone suddenly asked behind them, startling Moonbyul in the process.

"Jisoos, yeba! You had to do that." Moonbyul growled after being startled.

"Sorry, moonfart. That wasn't my intention." She smirked.

"Why are you here, unnie?" Hyejin asked her.

"Well, mom and dad won't be home tonight. So I came to tell you that we'll have to make dinner later." Yongsun explained but her eyes were looking elsewhere.

Hyejin eyed her intently.

"You could've just texted me." Hyejin told her before glancing at Wheein who was too immersed in doing her homework, that she didn't notice Yongsun's presence. Then it occured to her.
"Or maybe you're just here to see Whee- " Yongsun wasn't able to finish her sentence when Hyejin covered her mouth.

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