Meeting the family

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This part is a fem.readerxWheein story requested by a reader.
Hope you enjoy it ^ ^

A new day has arrived.
The birds outside were happily chirping as the sun climbed it's way up.
It's almost ten in the morning and I just woke up.
Since it's a Saturday I woke up a bit late and it kinda saddened me that my girlfriend wasn't in bed next to me.
I can't blame her though. She's an early bird and she knows how much I love my sleep which is probably why she didn't wake me.
I got up and headed to the bathroom to do my daily hygiene.

After washing up and tidying the bed
I make way to the kitchen to find her sitting by the small kitchen table, drinking her coffee while reading a book,looking like the goddess she is.

"Are you gonna join me for breakfast or are you just going to stand there daydreaming about me?" She suddenly asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Uh y-yeah. "

I noticed her smirking at my state.
I shyly walked towards her and sat next to her.
She pulled me into her arms and kissed the side of my head.

"Morning baby, you smell good."

She smiled and looked at me with loving eyes. Her beatiful dimple was so distracting I couldn't help but admire it.
And her hair she dyed recently made her look even more attractive. The longer I stared the more I got hor-

"Did you sleep well?" She asked me as she served me a plate of sandwiches and a cup of coffee.

I nodded and gave her the most innocent smile as if I didn't just think something inappropriate.

"You're so cute." She chuckled as she pinched my cheek.

I blushed at her compliment and looked down, hiding my face.
I'm sure I was red as a tomato.
We've been dating for years now and yet she still has that effect on me.
It's like she knew how to make me feel like a teenage girl in love all over again.
I looked up at her and noticed that she's back at reading her book.
She noticed me staring and kinked an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head.
"No, I'm just- "


I started blushing profusely before I could even finish my sentence.

"Why are you red? Do you have a fever?"

"N-no! I'm just..just so in love with you."

She blinked for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter which made me frown.

"Oh my God. You had me worried for a moment there. I thought you caught a fever or something. "

She stopped laughing upon noticing my frown.

"Don't frown, baby. You're going to kill me with your cuteness. Also- "

She moved closer to whisper in my ears.

"I'm in love with you too."

Her telling me that in my ear sent shivers through my body that my mind stopped working for a second. 

"Okay, enough flirting. Let's eat breakfast so we can head out." She chuckled.

"Head out where?" I asked as I took a bite of the sandwich she prepared for me.

"Did you forget?"

"Forget what?"  I asked confused.

She gave me an  "are you serious?" look.

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