New Beginning

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Hours earlier.

"Are we there yet?" Hyejin asked for the nth time.

"Jeez, hyejin. You're starting to annoy me." Wheein glared at her.

"I was just asking a question." She replied.

"You've asked that forty eight times for the past hour!" Wheein exclaimed, slightly annoyed by her bestfriend.

"You keep count?" Hyejin asked amused.

"Seriously? Just go back to sleep." Wheein huffed, crossing her arms and leaning back into her seat.

Moonbyul chuckled at the two.

"Just half an hour to go and we're there." She told Hyejin as she looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"You'll be blown out of your mind." She snickered, earning a slap from Wheein, who knew what she meant.

Hyejin sighed and closed her eyes as she yawned.
"I'm gonna take a short nap . " She said as she made her self comfortable on the backseat.

Wheein and Moonbyul shared meaningful glances before nodding and smiling.
"This time everything will be alright." Moonbyul whispered, audible enough for Wheein, who nodded in agreement.


The Lakehouse

They arrived at a two storey house near a lake. It seemed like a vacation house.

"Woah, this is a beatiful place. Look at that! Such a beautiful lake. Oh! That's a beautiful house. Oh my..those flowers are beautiful as well!"

"Just how many times are you going to say the word "beatiful" ?.  " Wheein stared at her bestfriend.

"I was just trying to annoy you." Hyejin chuckled.

"I want to hit you but I'm exhausted right now. So let's postpone that."

"You two weirdos. Let's go." Moonbyul called.

The two followed on command.

"Unnie. Is this what you meant by having my mind blown?" Asked Hyejin as she looked around the house, as the other two exchange glances.
"Everything is beautiful. It's like a paradise ."

"Yeah, there's more to see. Let's head inside."


The three walked in and Hyejin looked in awe as she admired the interior.
Some noises were heard in the kitchen as if someone was busy cooking. Moonbyul then told them to wait in the living room as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Who's in the kitchen? Is it the owner?" Hyejin asked curiously.

"Yeah, something like that." Wheein answered slightly nervous.

"A friend of Moonbyul unnie?"

"Y-yeah. Her name is Taeyang. "

"I see." Hyejin stopped with the questions to wheein's relief and sat on the sofa next to Wheein. 

As they both were waiting, they suddenly heard Moonbyul having an argument with the owner in the kitchen.

"Yah! Are you crazy? The hell is wrong with you?"

"Come on, unnie. You told me you'd meet her."

"But not so sudden, pabo! She will faint! Heck, I bet I will be the one fainting!"

"You're being dramatic."

"Am not! Do you have any idea what you're doing?  "

"Ofcourse, I do. "

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