Pretty Fine

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She suddenly stopped caring and I don't know what to do.
She suddenly stopped loving me and treated me as if I didn't exist. 

Who tf treats their wife that way?!

Now here I am with our two year old son,yoohyun, playing in the living room, while she's....well. I have no idea where she is right now.

She just told me she'd go out to the store. But it has been two hours and she's still not back.

I'm losing hope and this is slowly killing me.
Did she lose interest in me after giving birth to our child?
I noticed her love for me slowly decreasing ever since our son's birth. 

Did I do something wrong?

Or is it because I gained weight after giving birth ?

But this is normal , why would that be the reason for her to unlove me.

Shit. That word hurts.

I felt tears falling down my cheeks and I gripped on my jeans.

"Mommy, why are you crying ?"  My son asked me.

I looked at him and smiled. He looks so much like her. I quickly wiped my tears and cupped his face.

"It's nothing , baby. Mommy's just tired."

"Tired ?"

I just nodded at him.
He walked away and grabbed his favorite blanket.

"Cuddle ,mommy."

I chuckled and felt like tearing up again. He's such a gentleman.  Just like how his mama was.

Yes , was. Now she treats me like I'm nothing.


The sound of the door woke me up , so I sat up and looked around.
There she was at the entrance of the living room .

"Ah sorry. Did I wake you up?"

That beautiful face of hers ,that gets me everytime.

"No, I was already up." I lied and looked down to our baby. 

"Alright then. I bought us some bhc."
She said as she showed me the bags.
"I'll put this in the kitchen as you wake yoohyun up. " She smiled and walked away. 

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was close to dinner time. She was gone for five hours.

Where did you even go?


The next day as I was doing the laundry,  I found out something that confirmed that what's been bothering me.

A woman's hair.

I smelled the collar of her office suit.
It had a sweet scent.
A scent that's not mine nor hers.

I didn't notice myself tearing up until drops fell down my cheeks.

This is not real. I told myself.
She wouldn't do this.
She still loves me.
And we have a son so there's no way she would cheat.

I broke down and cried even after trying to convince myself that she's not like that.

Who am I kidding?

This family is broken.

Why did you do it?


I hugged my knees and cried my heart out. Luckily our son was at my parent's house for the weekend. And my wife is at work right now.
So I'm the only one at home, working like a damn slave .
I felt my heart clenching ,the more I thought of my wife possibly cheating on me.

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