Love , Love and more Love

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Somewhere in a peaceful neighborhood, in a small household of three people, a birthday party was being celebrated with friends and family. They surrounded the birthday girl and sang for her.

"Happy birthday ,dear Umji. Happy birthday to you."

They ended and waited for the little girl who just turned seven, to blow the candle. Everyone cheered after.

"Happy birthday,  my baby ." Her mother hugged her and gave her kisses all over her face.

"Mom!" The girl whined.

The woman just chuckled at her cuteness.

"Your mommy can't resist you , princess. Because you're so cute!"

Her other parent chuckled and joined in to squish her.

"Mama, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends."

Indeed she was embarrassed. Her friends were laughing at her and taking pictures.

"That's enough squishing ,byul. Let's go cut the cake."

"Fine, go ahead and play with your friends, kiddo." Moonbyul ruffled her hair, making her giggle. She then ran off to her friends.

"Yong, any idea when wheein and Hwasa will come?" Moonbyul asked watching her wife cut the cake.

"They'll be here soon, babe." Yongsun smiled at her. She then sorted the cake on small plates for everyone, asking moonbyul to help serve it.

Once moonbyul was done ,she noticed her wife staring outside to where the kids were playing.

"Can't believe she's getting bigger ."  Yongsun sighed.

"Well, believe it ,Yong. Because she is ." Moonbyul snickered ,earning a slap on her shoulder.

"One day she'll suddenly come home and introduce us to her boyfriend. "

"Excuse me? " Moonbyul asked with a blank face.
"No boyfriend or girlfriend until she's 30."

Yong rolled her eyes at her wife.
"You're being ridiculous. We fell in love with each other at the age of sixteen, pabo."

"Uh- well...that's different. Like hell I'm going to let someone take my little princess.  "

"Yeah, yeah. You love her more than you do me anyway." Yongsun joked.

Moonbyul felt offended but still nodded her head yes. Her daughter became one of her most special people ever since she was just a little bean.
Yongsun used to tease her how her love for her decreased while her love for their daughter increased.
They both laughed and sat on a chair with Yongsun on moonbyul's lap.
Soon the doorbell rang, making moonbyul wonder who it is.

"Must be the girls." Yongsun told her and stood up to head towards the front door with moonbyul following suit.

"You're finally here!" Yongsun's face lit up at the sight of her two bestfriends and hugged them.

"Well, hyejin here decided to make a little detour. "

" And wheein suddenly craved icecream while we did. "

"Uhuh." Yongsun answered not believing them.

"You both probably forgot umji's birthday and ran to the store last minute to get a gift for my girl ." Moonbyul smirked.

The two looked away acting as if they were innocent.

"Come in , guys. You've missed a lot but not all." Yongsun chuckled.

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