Happy wife , happy ...

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They say 'A happy wife, is a happy life' .

But somehow mine is never happy no matter what I do and I'm running out of ideas now.

Right now I'm in the living room, plopped on my sofa , with a lot of thoughts running through my mind.

"Where did I go wrong?" I asked no one in particular.

With nothing coming to mind I called someone to meet up.

At café magnolia

"Wheein, what should I do?" I desperately ask while sighing.

"I honestly don't know ,unnie" She answered.

"But she's your bestfriend." I retorted.

"And she's your wife. Now stop bothering me at work.". She pointed at me.

"Wheeinie , why are you just chilling over there?"

We both widened our eyes and looked at the person.

"Honey, it's not what you thi- ."

"Hi, solar. I'm just borrowing Wheein for a bit." I cut her off.

"Why are you here again?" Solar unnie walked towards us.
"Is this about Hyejin?"

Wheein smiled in pity.

"Why don't you just ask her?" Solar crossed her arms.

"I tried but- . She's been avoiding me for some time now." I explained and felt like tearing up.

"Do you two even love each other?" Solar asked a million dollar question.

I was caught of guard and did not know how to answer.

"I- I love her but does she?" And now I'm starting to question her love for me.
Did she ever love me though?
Why did we get married in the first place?
Why did we even start dating?

I felt dizzy with all the questions popping in my mind.

"TALK TO HER." Solar glared , emphasizing each word.

"I'll see what I can do ,unnie. For now just go home. You probably haven't slept for days now. " Wheein patted my shoulder.

"Listen Byul. Stop being such a pushover and actually do something. You said you tried but it's obviously not enough. You should know your wife by now. She's not an easy person."
Solar huffed at me.

I groaned out of frustration and stood up.

"You can do it , stupid hamster."Solar cheered for me. I just looked at her unamused.

"Now , let's continue our work." Solar smiled at Wheein and left.

"I'm sorry about that."Wheein giggled.

"Not surprised. Your wife is a crazy one." I shrugged earning a hit on my arm.

Once I arrived home I took a shower and a nap.

When I woke up it was already the afternoon.

"She'll be home soon." I smiled.

I walked towards the kitchen and decided to cook something for her.

I took my eyes of it for a minute and it started burning, followed by getting caught on fire.

"Oh shit!"

I panicked and search for the fire extinguisher.

But someone beat me to it and extinguished it.

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