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Somewhere in a small city at a very well known highschool called RBW , there were two highschool girls who found themselves gawking at some guy ,who was busy playing basketball with his friends.
Well, only one of them were drooling over the guy while the other was just forced to accompany her.

"Ugh, isn't he so handsome?" The girl asked while staring at the guy all dreamily. 

"Unnie. You've said that nine times already. And my answer is still no. " The girl next to her said , rolling her eyes.

"Yah! That's mean!"

"Why? I was being honest.  I'm not you, who keeps staring creepily  at some guy." The girl said while flipping a page of the book she was reading.

"I can't help it ,okay? I have a huge crush on him and- "

"Yeah. Yeah. You think he's handsome and you can't help but imagine yourself being his girlfriend and go on dates with him. And you'll suddenly talk about marriage when in fact you've never even spoken to him." The girl sighed.

"You're so mean , hyejin ah." The girl said pouting.

"Don't pout ,unnie. You're not cute at all." A voice behind them said.

"Yah! MoonByul ,how dare you?" The girl glared.

Moonbyul just snickered as she put her arm around a small girl next to her.

"No wonder you're still single." She teased with a smug face.

"Byul unnie. That's enough. Yongsun unnie is cute in her own way, okay? Also you'd still be single had you not changed your flirty behavior. Right, wheein ah?"

The small girl looked up at Hyejin and nodded with a smile.

"Someone managed to wrap you around her finger , huh unnie?" Hyejin smirked at moonbyul.

"Wheein ah, why is she such a meanie ?" Moonbyul whined while hugging wheein.

While the three were talking , yongsun kept staring at the guy with heart eyes.
He surely felt someone staring at him , so he looked around to find out if it's really the case.
His eyes stopped at Yongsun, who quickly looked away as she noticed him looking at her.
She hid her blushing face and had her back now facing him.

"Weird." The guy said to himself, thinking he was just being paranoid.

He then continued playing as his friends called him.


After school

"Hyejin, when will you tell her your feelings?" Wheein asked as they walked home together with Moonbyul.

Yongsun told them to go home first as she had something to do.
Hyejin sighed and shook her head.

"Why try when there's no chance to begin with?"

"Hey, that's what I thought too. Now look at me and wheein." Moonbyul smiled.

Hyejin chuckled.

"Ok, maybe that's true. But it's different with her. She's straight."

"That's what I thought about wheein too!" Moonbyul exclaimed and started laughing. Wheein looked at her with dead fish eyes and hit her.

"Look Hyejin. Just confess atleast let her know how you feel. It's better than hurting yourself each time she talks about some guy she's crushing on because you kept your feelings hidden." Wheein explained.

Hyejin sighed.

"We'll see."

"Let's go have some icecream, it's on me." Moonbyul smiled and dragged the girls with her.

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