Sunflower: My flower

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"Hyejin-ah." She said softly.
"Why do I feel like you're distancing yourself from me?"

As usual the two bestfriends,  Yongsun and Hyejin would meet up at the corner near the school to walk together.
Only this time,  Hyejin was five minutes late when Eric saw Yongsun standing alone.

"Yongsun ah?" He called.

"Ah...goodmorning oppa." Yongsun greeted after looking up.

"Goodmorning. Are you waiting for Hyejin?" He asked as he walked towards her.

"I am but- she's late and school starts in ten minutes." She explained and sighed.

"Oh. How about we wait for her together?" He suggested and slightly panicked after realizing what it is he's doing.
"You know so you don't stand here a-alone since there m-might be weirdos and such." Eric mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"O-okay." Yongsun agreed, giving him a small smile.

The two waited together,feeling a bit awkward. Yongsun fidgeted and played with her hair tie around her wrist.

"Yongsun ah..." Eric trailed. His sudden calling for her startled her a bit.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just- I was wondering if I could get your answer today." Said Eric while he looked somewhere  else since he didn't dare to look her in her eyes.

"Oh. Uh..."

Eric saw her hesitation.

"It's okay if you reject me. Atleast I'll know your answer. "

"Oppa, I- "

"Move you two, I'm late !" A disheveled Hyejin suddenly appeared, running as fast as she could.

"Ah , hyejin ah wait!" Yongsun called behind her.

"No can do. Now hurry or you'll be late as well!"

"We should go, oppa. You'll get your answer during lunch. " yongsun told him and started running as well not waiting for Eric to reply.

"Hyejin-ah, wait for me!" She yelled behind the girl.

"I got math first period and that teacher is going to nag me, so no can do missy." Hyejin said quickly while feeling out of breath due to running. 

Just a few seconds before her teacher appeared, hyejin quickly took her seat and fixed her uniform.

"How did all this even happen? Oh right , your stupid self decided to get drunk when you're not even of legal age!" Hyejin mumbled to herself.

"Uh Hyejin. I can hear you." Wheein tapped her shoulder.

Hyejin sighed and layed her head on the desk.

"So what happened yesterday?"

The two were whispering to each other while the teacher was writing something on the board.

"I met an old friend of mine and she invited me to hang out."

"Ok and then?"

"We.." Hyejin paused and sighed.
" -slept together."

"You what?!" Wheein asked loudly in surprise.

"Miss Jung is there something you'd like to share with us?" The teacher looked at her with a serious expression.

"No sir. I apologize." Wheein quickly bowed and sat back down, pretending to write as the teacher explained the lesson.

She glanced at Hyejin and threw a paper at her.

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