Hot English teacher

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It ain't no secret that students have had a crush on atleast one of their  teachers.

Especially when there's a connection between teacher and student.
A deeper connection I should say. 

Suddenly the class they give is your most favorite. 
And you never miss one of their classes , because you'd do anything to see that teacher.

Well...for Moonbyul, that isn't an exception either.

"Miss Moon, will you stop daydreaming and actually pay  attention to class!" The teacher scolded.

"I'm sorry sir." She stood and bowed.

Moon byul yi, age 18 , was crushing on her English teacher.
And the reason she just got scolded is because she was thinking of that teacher, instead of paying attention to math class.

"Can the time speed up already." She groaned.

Yongsun, one of her classmates and friend,  who sat next to her , rolled her eyes.

"How about you stop thinking about you-know-who and the time will pass before you know it." She whisper talked.

"Shut up yeba." She glared.

"Miss Moon! This is your final warning." The teacher glared.

Again she apologized and just payed attention to what the teacher was explaining. 


After class.

"Hey, yong. Help me with math later ,please." Moonbyul begged , almost getting on her knees when Solar didn't answer.

"Fine. Come later at 4 ." She huffed.

"Yes!" She jumped at her friend.

"Yah! Let go . Let's go  to our next class."

Next they had English.
Moonbyul's favorite class.

"Goodmorning kids." The teacher smiled.

There she was.
The one and only Miss Ahn Hyejin.

Moonbyul couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
She was very diligent and answered every question asked.

"Miss Moon , give the others a chance." The teacher sighed.

"Yeah, Moon byul. Give the others a chance ." Eric , another classmate smirked.

"Shut up, Dongie. It's not like you of all people would give answer anyway."she pointed.

The guy his smile faded and crossed his arms, looking away.

The class just laughed and soon they were paying attention again.

Soon the class ended and everyone quickly left class.

"Finally." Yonsun stretched and yawned loudly

"How unattractive." Moonbyul teased.

Yonsun just flipped her the middle finger

After school

"It's you." Yongsun looked at Moonbyul expressionless. 

"What do you mean it's me? Did you forget again?"

Yongsun stayed quiet and just let moonbyul enter.

"By the way my mother will have some guests over , so you better keep your voice down." Yongsun pointed out.

Moonbyul just scoffed , feeling offended .

"You're the one who's loud ." She rolled her eyes. 

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