The Battle Is...

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Hyejin walked solemnly towards the one place she has been visiting for the past two weeks.

"Hi, love." She greeted as she looked at the gravestone in front of her.
Before she could say anything further she bursted out in tears.
"I'm so, so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this. I just wish I could turn back time and do things differently." She cried out while on her knees.
"Then maybe you'd still be alive and we'd spend our time together in our small apartment, being silly people madly in love. "

"My late aunt is probably mad at me for breaking a promise. She once told me to take good care of you. Heck, she liked you a lot. No wonder she always sided with you. And now she's gone. So are you." Tears found their way down her face.

"I love you." She croaked.
"I never told you this but I really do. And now it's too late. "

She said, more so to admit it to herself that it indeed is too late.
Her make up was ruined and to make things worse it started raining. Yet she didn't mind because she felt that it suited her mood in that moment.

"Why are you here?" Asked a voice. The person appeared from behind her and held an umbrella to cover the both of them.

"Byul unnie." She managed to say with a throaty voice. The sight was heartbreaking. Moonbyul clenched her jaw before crouching down.

"I know things between us are..rough. But I bet Yongsun would hate seeing you like this." She said looking the younger girl in her eyes.

It was two weeks ago when the news announced that they found a dead body at the side of the river in Jeju.
Which was soon identified to be none other than Kim Yongsun. The case was investigated and they soon concluded  it to be a suicide. The devastation she felt was indescribable. It just added to her already unstable mental health.

"What do I do now, unnie? I can't forgive myself after what I've done to her. I was so.."


"I was going to say shitty but yeah.. that too."

"Are you only saying this because you feel guilty ?"

"No." Hyejin shook her head.
"I'm saying this because of regret."

Moonbyul stayed quiet.

"That day I told her to fuck off. I silently wished she'd follow me and stop me from leaving. She didn't. My prideful self didn't want to admit that I was the one who was wrong. Wrong for pushing her away when she wanted to be there in my worst moment. I didn't want to forgive her because I was so angry, that she wasn't there when I needed her the most. That I didn't even see that she was fighting her own battles. She suffered the most, so who am I to even think that I had it worst?"

Moonbyul sighed, remembering Hyejin's breakdown when Wheein made her tell Yongsun's side of the story as a favor for her missing friend. Especially after news of her body found was out.

"I regret breaking things off without listening to her first. I knew she wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me.  But yeah..I guess I was so hurt I couldn't think clear anymore. "

"Hyejin." Moonbyul called with a serious tone.

"You know, I went to her place that day after.
But her stuff was gone. I called her and the only thing I got was a dead end. And that's when I knew that she left my life for good. I never thought she'd leave this way though. "

"Hyejin a- "

"You were right, unnie. I do need help.
If you hadn't told me all that happened I'd probably be a prideful bitch who thought she was cheated on with some skank in a short tight skirt. "

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