To the moon and back

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Sequel to My star.

Right now I'm laying on my bed staring at my ceiling.
I still can't believe that so much has happened in a week span.
After that whole story I just heard at dinner , my mind just stopped working.
The last thing I expected was to be engaged at the age of 18.
Hell, I never even thought of getting married.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Why are you sighing?"

"Oh shit!" Her sudden presence  startled me, making me fall off the bed.

"Are you alright?"

It felt like dejavu when she asked that.

"Yeah , I'm fine." I stood up and sat on the side of my bed.

"Why are you here?" I asked curiously. Looking at the goddes in front of me.

"So you don't want me here?"

"That's not what I meant. You and your parents just left for home. So how come you're here again?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

I frowned and looked her in the eyes.
I then scanned her ,noticing she had her pajamas on.

"You're sleeping here?"

She smiled and nodded.


"So we can get to know each other more besides we're engaged." She smiled innocently.

I feel like I'm being messed with.
Who the hell am I kidding? It's always been like that. Mostly from my fellow peers.

"Solar unnie."

"Just call me Yongsun. " she interjected.

"Unnie. " I simply said.
"Again I will ask you. What are you trying to do?"

"And again i will answer you, to get you to like me."

I just stared at her.


"Because we're getting married."

"And if that weren't the case?"

"I'd still want to get you to like me. I like you, Byul-ah "

"You don't even know me."

"And that's why I'm here. "


Why does she always have an answer ready ?

"I bet if our parents weren't friends and we happened to meet at that school. You'd be saying something else. "  I looked her in the eyes.
"Wouldn't you?"

"Never." She answered.

"Hah, sure." I stood up and walked out of my room.

"Where are you going?"

"Just leave me alone, Solar. "  I spoke to her informally.

My parents were already asleep, so I sneaked to my secret spot.

"Finally,  I can breathe ."

This is my hiding place. If ever I get overwhelmed this would  be my spot to calm down and think.

I sighed and looked at the night sky through my see through roof, while laying down on my thinking sofa.

Those stars are so beautiful. It feels so calming to just enjoy the night.

How am I going to explain this mess to my friends?
It was already hard for them to accept me leaving after graduation.

I groaned and layed on my side.

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