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Did you know that sometimes you have those days where everything goes wrong?

"Oh shit! I'm late !" A small girl panicked and ran off to the bathroom.

Her hair was still messy and her uniform was crumpled. 

She only had ten minutes left before the school gates would close.

She didn't bother tying her shoelaces.

With a bread in her mouth and her bag still half open, she ran to her destination. 

The weather did not look good ,so she knew she had to hurry.

She had only five minutes left and sped up like lighting

Droplets of water started falling from the sky and she knew she was screwed for she did not bring her umbrella.

She was just around  the corner when a girl popped out and it was too late for her to hit her brakes.

Both girls were surprised as they collided into each other.

"Ow. "The girl groaned in pain

Wheein quickly stood up and helped the girl.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright ?"  Wheein asked in a hastily manner

"Why were you running in the first place?" The girl asked annoyed.

"No time. I'm late for school . Bye now "
Wheein apologized one last time and rushed off

"Jung Wheein! You're late." The teacher at the gate glared.

"I'm sorry sir. There was a bit of an accident."

The teacher eyed her and noticed a wound on her knee.

"Go to the nurse's office and get that treated  ."He said pointing at her wound 

Wheein wouldn't have noticed it if the teacher did not tell her 

"Ok sir " she saluted at him with a smile and left for the infirmary 

"One last thing." The teacher said .

"You have detention."

Wheein's jaw dropped and accepted her fate.

Defeated she walked to the school's nurse.

After getting it treated she went to her class. There, she also got reprimanded  by her home teacher for being late

When the teacher asked for their homework,  wheein panicked not seeing hers in her bag.

"No,no,no,no,no. This can't be happening right now."

"Wheein ssi, your homework?" The teacher asked.

"Ah, I'm sorry teacher  but I can't find mine in my bag." She nervously replied 

"Did you forget it or did you not  do it at all?"

The teacher glared making wheein gulp  . Her classmates were either whispering or snickering .

Her teacher did not bother listening anymore and gave her detention.

Wheein could not believe it and sighed deeply.

"Okay students. Quiet now. We have a new transfer student today. Be nice and behave."

The student came in as the teacher called for her.

Wheein recognized the girl as the one  she bumped into earlier. Well,more like crashed into her.

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