My star

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Hey there,
My name is Moon byul yi. You can just call me moonbyul. I'm 18 and in my last year of highschool.
I'm pretty excited about leaving this trash of a school.
Why? Because it sucks.
Why? Because the people here suck.
Why? They just do. Now stop asking why.
I just hate the school.
Not a lot of people know this but I'm an introvert. I like to keep to myself and I like my time alone.
When I first came here as a freshman,I had trouble adjusting to this place.
But now things are a bit better , I guess.
No , I take those words back.
I've been judged by a lot of people and I know because they're not discreet about it.
I'm probably the biggest nerd you'll meet. But what's so wrong about being a nerd? We're people too. So what if we're weird?
Being normal is boring anyway.
Besides what's so cool about being popular ?
Those so called popular kids are so full of themselves.
Especially when they look down on others. If that's not enough they'll start bullying. And if it's not them it's someone from another clique.
Why do some people want to make other people their life miserable?
The nerve .

But yeah, I'm glad I'm leaving soon anyway.
My dad got a new job and he said we'll move away to Seoul because of it.
I'm happy because I dont have to see this place anymore but I'm sad because I'll have to leave my friends behind.

Speaking of, I only have two.
Their names are Wheein and Hyejin. They're 3 years younger but whatever.
I call them the jeonju sisters because they're both from jeonju.
If anything they're my precious babies because they mean a lot to me. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be able to bare the struggles in this crappy school.

"Unnie, did you hear? A new transfer is coming today." Wheein told me while chewing her burger .

"Wheein, don't talk with your mouth full. Also how do you know?"

She just smiled.

"You heard it from a teacher ,huh?" Hyejin eyed her.
"Or rather, you happened to "pass by" and overheard a teacher talk about it."

"Yah! You act like I like to eavesdrop. And yes , I did happen to pass by when I heard it."wheein stuck her tongue out.

After lunch we all went to our respective classes.
Wheein had all classes with Hyejin , so they pretty much have fun whenever.
Compared to me , who needs to walk through these halls alone and then-


"Watch , where you walk. Nerd." A tall boy glared and then laughed while walking away.

"Sure, as if you didn't do that purposely." I mumbled to myself and picking up my stuff.

"Uhm..are you alright ?" A voice asked.

I look up and see the most gorgeous person I've ever seen.

"Uh..y-yeah. I'm fine." I quickly picked up the rest of my books and stood up.
Class is about to start in 5 minutes , so I had to rush.

"Hey , wait!" The girl grabbed me by my arm.

"What now?" I thought.

"Can you help me? I can't seem to find my class."

"Oh...second years are at the floor below."

The girl frowned.

"I'm not a second year."


Oh no. I barely know her and I managed to piss her off already. Oh well, it's not like we'll be friends.

"I'm sorry. I's look young."

The girl her frown disappeared and smiled.

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