The Not so cold CEO

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For those who requested a wheesa story ;)
Enjoy! <3


6:35 PM

If you stood outside and looked at the edifice, you wouldn't think much and just see it as an ordinary office building. Although the building was standing so tall with its name showing so proudly at the front, which said; JUNG INDUSTRIES, the atmosphere around it was rather quiet.

But at that moment a cold storm was brewing inside the CEOs office. There stood one of the employees right in front of his boss with fear eating him inside.

The company's CEO and founder, named Jung Wheein, was glaring at her employee after receiving news, she least expected to hear.
"So you're telling me that you - " The CEO pointed at him, making him flinch. She paused for a second, breathed in sharply with her jaws clenched as she still glared at her employee standing in front of her.
" -the director of the financial department, had no idea that money has disappeared from the donations account?" 

The employee standing in front of her desk looked away, not daring to look into the eyes of his boss who is now filled with fury. He was standing as if a kid was getting scolded by a teacher. He stood straight, his hands intertwined in front, his back tense because of fear while he stared at the floor as if he found something interesting. He tightly shut his eyes knowing what is about to happen.

"What are you even here for?" She asked calmly. Yet it didn't help from it sending shivers down his spine. Especially when those cold eyes stared him down. Eyes that felt like they could find out every little detail about you with just a glance. The last thing he expected was to experience, for what his boss was know for, the
"cold demon". 

She let out a bitter laugh, making her employee more nervous than he already was.

"Make sure you find out who's behind this. I want to know when, where, how and why this even happened for you to not even as much as notice a huge amount of money disappear right under our noses."

The guy nodded frantically.

"I suggest you start now and don't even think about going home until you find some clue about this matter or I'll make sure you won't be able to find a job anywhere after firing you." 

"y-yes boss!" He replied shakily. He quickly took the documents he handed her earlier to report her the bad news, and ran out of the office with sweat running down his forehead.  

"Why now, why today?" He asked himself, almost in tears. 

He ran through the halls towards the elevator for employees, when a woman just exited the private elevator right next to it. She noticed the state he was in as he ran in her direction. She arched an eyebrow as she watched him press the elevator button frantically.

"Come on, hurry! I don't want to end up jobless."

He groaned in frustration. He was too much in an anxious state that he barely noticed the woman.
He glanced to his side when he felt someone's presence.

"M- Mrs. Jung! H-hello. " He bowed as soon as he recognized her.

"Hello to you too. What's with the hurry?"

The man couldn't say a proper sentence without stuttering.

"Poor guy." She thought.
"Judging by the fact that he's on the top floor could only mean that he came from the CEOs office."

The elevator door opened and he quickly stepped inside.
"I-I'm sorry, miss. I gotta go. Have a nice day, miss ." He bowed again. The sweat on his forehead almost dropping to the floor.

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