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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

Wait...I see something

It's light! It's very Bright!

I want to move to! Please let me move!

I can barely move my fingers.

Please...Let me leave!

My hand! I can move it.

I try to reach out to the light...but

The light started to swirl with the darkness,

Why...Why can't I leave...

I'm scared...I'm alone...









Please save me from the darkness!


I was always a timid and shy girl, I only had a few friends and I always mind my own business. I didn't want to have any drama during my high school years. I wanted to stay neutral and to focus on studying. Though, that plan did not succeed.

For a while though, that plan did work until I was in P.E class. I was a loner that day, my friend was sick and had to stay at home. When we were doing our exercises, we had to do some laps on the soccer field. Though, that day the soccer players still had to practice. When we started doing our laps, I wanted to finish as soon as possible so I can just do nothing.

Of course, when I was running...maybe around my 2nd lap I was hit with the soccer ball. I was hit on my back which caused me to fall on the floor. I was pretty embarrassed about it but I had to get up. My back was stinging and it hurt really bad. You know, those players do not skip leg day. That ball felt like I was shot or something.

When I was on the floor, I was struggling to get back up. That's when I met him, Hanako. He was one of the soccer players on the team. He was well known but not as popular as other kids. He had asked me if I was okay and if I needed help. Being the timid and shy person I was, I struggled to talk but just nodded. He helped me up and his coach had called for him.

He had to return to his class and so he did but he didn't apologize. I, of course, got mad but shook it off. When P.E had ended I was walking down the hallway holding my back a bit because of the pain. As I walked down the hallway, Hanako had just stepped out of the changing room. We locked eyes and he noticed who I was. 

Hanako walked over and apologized for earlier as well as offering to help me to the infirmary. I had accepted the offer and we went to the infirmary. The nurse had told me to rest a bit and to return to class later on. Hanako wanted to wait with me so he did, I thought it was nice of him to do so...though...at that moment. It was all quiet and awkward.

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