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I let go of Rachael and I get a bit sad, "I'm Back" I hear Jimmy. I look up and he gives me a smile "Thank you...for t-taking the shoes b-back" I say shyly. I look at my knee and then Jimmy told me that if I was okay with him going back into the Ice Ring. "Yeah, g-go ahead" I say. Just enjoy your day...Jimmy. I watch as he goes with Rachael back into the Ice Ring. I see him smile and so does Rachael. My heart hurt watching them....I knew I didn't have a chance to be with him either way. I drop the Ice and then I roll back down my Leggings. I put my shoes on and I get up, There was pain but I walked out of the Ice ring. I get outside and I breath fresh air, I look up at the sky and sight. Jimmy...he has been the only guy that has been nice to me. Though....Things don't always go the way you want them to go. After a bit everyone came back out and we just started enjoying our day. We went on rollercoasters which in everyone I screamed because I was really scared. We ate and rested. It was now night time, Jimmy and Ran-chan said they were going on a rollercoaster. I sit down near a bench and then I see two men in Black. They seem suspicious....What's up with them? Time seemed to slow down as I look at their features and what they are wearing. I keep my eye on them until they leave. "Hey!" I turn to my right and I see Crystal who is looking at me concerned. "Oh...Um..Were you calling me?" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah, Whats wrong?" She asks and I look at her and shake my head. "Nothing much, I was just wondering why two men in Black walked by all suspicious." I don't stutter. "Wow for a few times you don't stutter. "H-Huh?" I look at her and then I heard Jimmy and Ran-Chan's voice. I turn around and I see them smiling and stuff. "You should confess" I hear crystal. "Yeah...i-i think I will confess.." I say and then I turn around and I see another man In black but this time he was caring a Case. "Hey I will be right back" Jimmy walks past us and I get up. "I will be back a-as well" I start walking after jimmy. I fiddle with my fingers as I walk. Then we get behind some shops and I see Jimmy hiding. "J-Jimmy?" I say and he turns around. He seems shocked and he then grabs my wrist and pulls me down to him. "W-" Before I could speak he covers my mouth and puts a finger up to his mouth telling me to be silent. I listen and I don't hear anything. "J-Jimmy" I whisper and he looks at me. "I-" As I was about to confess I felt dizzy and then I fell to the ground. Jimmy fell as well, I try reaching out to him but I fell unconscious.

~After an hour (•w•)~

Darkness, What happened? Wasn't I at the Amusement park with my friends? What happened to Jimmy? I felt my senses coming back, I felt something poking me and Then I opened my eyes. I sit up and look around confused. Is it me or is that tree huge? "Urgh.." I heard another voice. I look to my right and I see a small kid."huh?" I question. "W-who are you?" I ask him and he seems to notice something and then I heard some running. I turn to my left and I see to Police officers. "Huh? What are kids doing here?" The police man questions. Kids?  I look down at myself and notice my clothes are huge. I start Panicking, I then felt someone grab my Wrist and I look to see the kid. "Come on!" He says and then I stand up and I hold onto my clothes and we both start running away, Rain then started pouring. I was behind the kid and then he tripped. "H-hey are you o-okay?" I go to his side and offer my hand. "I'm fine" he says taking my offer. Then he stands up and He looks to his right, I follow his gaze and I see a glassed door. I look at my reflection and I get shocked. I get scared but I hesitantly appoarch the window. I look at myself and I see I look like my Kid self, did they happen?! My gaze goes toward the kid and he seems shocked himself. "Wait...W-why do you have J-jimmy's clothes?" I ask the kid and he looks at me and then he seems to be lost in questioning but then he comes up close to me and stare into my eyes. I started blushing and my back was against the glass. "U-uh..." I look into his eyes and then it hit me. "J-jimmy/Y/n?" We both say and then he explains what happens as we start heading towards his house. "Come on my house is just over here" He says hurrying and I follow behind him. So jimmy and I turned into our young selfs though we have brains of Adults? I see Jimmy trying to reach the door and then we he Barely reached an Explosion went off. We look to our rights and see someone I have not seen in my life. "Professor Agasa?" I hear Jimmy say.

Jimmy talked to Professor Agasa saying who he is and then I heard some embrassing things but then Agasa seemed to believe us. "So you got some type of Pill which meant to kill you but you shrunk instead?" He said and We both nod. "Alright lets go inside! Don't want to catch a cold" he says hurring us inside. Once we are inside he gives us clothes to change into and I had blushing at the clothes. "Y/n you can go change first" Jimmy tells me where the bathroom is and I nod. I go to the bathroom and I lock the door. I look at the clothes and sight. I change into them and It felt weird but I stood on the toilet and i see my reflection.

(Your clothes are 10.)

I fix my hair and then I get down and I go towards the bathroom door

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I fix my hair and then I get down and I go towards the bathroom door. I head out the door and I see Jimmy changed. I snicker and then they both seem to notice. "Huh? What are laughing at?" Jimmy says and I hold in my laugh. "N-nothing" i say Blushing. Then we heard someone at the door. "Jimmy?" I heard Ran's voice and then I start freaking out. "Its ran-chan" I say a bit panicked and then I felt someone grab my wrist and I see Jimmy and we are hiding behind  the desk that and I look at him and he tells me to shh. I just nod and then i see him get something. I see him put on Glasses and then i blush. "Hey Professor Agas? Is Jimmy home? He disappeard from the Amuesment park" i hear ran say and then I heard.

"Hey kids come out!"

To be continued

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