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Recap of last chapter: 

As the girl danced around or played, the father watched her. His smile was bright...at least it was for a moment. His smile stayed but deep down he was saddened. This might as well be the last time he is seeing his daughter.

The father looked at his daughter with sad eyes, the daughter had no idea what was going to happen to her within a span of a few days. "I'm sorry, I hope you forgive daddy for what I am going to do." The father thought to himself sadly.



Everything had changed, meeting my 'supposed' cousin was weird, I don't know if I should believe him but he was genuine and he seemed really happy. After that meeting up which was a few days ago, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He seemed mysterious and weird but I felt happy around him. 

At the moment, I was packing my bag. Sonoko-chan had invited us to a small vacation up in the mountains near the one of the prettiest towers. Well according to Sonoko it was pretty. I remember Ran on the phone talking to Sonoko about it. I made sure to get some warm clothes, it was getting pretty cold here in Tokyo. 

I finished packing my clothes and my belongings as I look over towards where Jimmy was, he seemed to be finished since he wasn't around. I look out towards the window noticing how dark out it was, the lights of the building across shinning bright enough to show the snow falling. It was gentle and calm, I walked over to the window and I placed my hand up to it.

I smiled gently watching the snow, from the reflection of the window I noticed the door open. I look back to see Jimmy at the door. I blush and look away towards the window, I could hear his footsteps as I continued looking out. 

"Y/n have you finished packing?" I heard his voice as I nod my head. "Are Ran and Mouri-san finished?" I ask not turning away from the window as my eye's follow a snowflake. "Yeah, They are just getting dressed." I heard him say as I nod my head. 

"Are you okay?" He asked as my gaze turns towards him, he was now next to me. His glasses shinning from the light. "No, nothing's wrong." I say looking at him, he nodded his head as I remove my hand. I notice the handprint as I smile at it, I turn to Jimmy as he turned to me. "I-I'm going to change." I say looking into his blue eyes as he nodded. 

He turned around walking away as I watch him, he closes the door behind him as I walk over and lock the door. I look at the outfit I had laid out, I go over as my shadow goes over it. I undress as I put my outfit on. 

(Your outfit

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(Your outfit.)

I finish adjusting my white scarf as I head towards the door, I grab my suitcase as I grab my small backpack. I made sure to bring my tennis shoes the one's professor Agasa gave me. I walk to the door and I unlock it. I notice Ran-chan and Mouri-san talking in the living while Jimmy was sitting on the couch. 

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