.Ice Cream.

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Recap of Last Chapter: 

She opened to a clean untouched page and began writing. She wrote down about the questions her mother asked her and how suspicious she was. She made notes about her mother's health and what could possible be the cause. She also remember the off feeling her mother gave when she mention Jimmy's last name.

"I wonder why she gave me that reaction. Is she familiar with the Kudo's? No...Maybe not. I would have met them. Unless they are bad people and Mom is just hiding it." Y/n whispered to herself before making sure she made no noise and avoided the boards she knew made creeks.

Y/n walked over towards her secret stash and placed her book in there. She closed the secret and then returned to bed carefully. As she laid in the warmth of her blankets she thought about that day's events. She smiled remembering the feeling of happiness. She turned to her side facing the window and she watched the moon rise slowly.

"Jimmy....Thank you."


It was now the next day, Y/n had been dropped off at Kinder as usual. She looked around to see if she could catch a glimpse of Jimmy. Sadly, as the minutes went by she couldn't find him. She walked down the hallway of noisy kids. She was a few minutes early as she reached her classroom. She walked inside and noticed some familiar kids. They were always the first one's to arrive.

"They are always early...I wonder what their parents do for work." Y/n thought to herself as she walked over to her cupboard and placed her things inside. She grabbed her Book and her notebook. As she walked over to her carpet spot she noticed a note on the ground. She picked it up and read the note. 


To: The Girl known as Freak.

From: Unknown.

I've been watching you for quite some time now. I think your interesting. I heard your conversation with your parents yesterday. The one about the morning how you didn't have friends. I can be your friend...I can be anything you want me to be.

I will always be with you and never leave you alone, your pretty and your so cute. If you wanna be friends with me, meet me at the park. Within a two day spam, be there and meet in the center by the water fountain. 

I will be waiting....


After reading that note Y/n looked around her surroundings panicked. She didn't like the idea of someone watching her without her knowing. She looked at every single kid in the room and they all were facing away from her. She folded the note into her notebook and kept her guard on. She was panicking if she said she wasn't lying.

"What...Who is watching me? Why would they want to meet me at the park? For a friend? They can easily be a kidnapper....or worse a rapist." Y/n sat down on her carpet spot and then got to thinking. Y/n had not noticed that Jimmy was sitting beside her, he looked at her expression. 

He lifted his hand and touched her shoulder, this caused her to yelped surprised and move away before turning to Jimmy. She relaxed and breathed before sitting right, "Y-You scared m-me." She said stuttering as Jimmy looked at her confused. 

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