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Recap of the Chapter: .The Stalker's Story.

By the time I was at home, I sat in the living room watching the news as they came out with news about Mr. Rubo.

"Earlier today, a man named Rubo Ano was arrested for first-degree murder of his wife and child. Their bodies were found in the attic wrapped in plastic paper. Rubo is now being questioned and sentenced to 50 years in jail. He was also arrested for Child Molestation and kidnapping."

"These pictures are of his room covered in photographs of young children all girls at the age of Kinder and they were all found scattered around his room. The most recent picture that was not hung up was found in his pocket of a young girl who was rescued earlier today."

"We were clarified to not speak about the young girl nor of her photo. More news will be sent out to you about this crime. Please stay safe and stay tuned for more."

I shut the Tv off and I went off to my room as I close the door and then I laid down and actually fell asleep this time.

"Good thing he's gone now. I can finally rest." I hugged myself still in Shinichi's sweater as I fell asleep, safe and sound.


After what happened with Mr. Rubo last week, I skipped school because of the incident and I went to therapy because my parents demanded me to go. It's now Monday early in the morning as I got ready for school.

I wore my uniform and ensured everything was in my bag as I also folded Shinichi's sweater neatly into my bag. My parents don't know about the conversation I had with Detective Asuka and Shinichi.

All they knew was that I was lured by Mr. Rubo into his home and kidnapped. They gave me a good scolding as well, surprisingly. I thought they were going to leave it like everything else that has happened.

Maybe it's because Shinichi was there at the police station that they decided to pay more attention now. I walked down the stairs to the main hallway and I looked over at the maid and my mother talking. Well more like my mother telling the maid orders. "Mom are we leaving yet?" I called out to her and she turned, she nodded before hurryingly grabbing her things and finishing up her talk with the maid.

I walked out of the front door to the car that was waiting for us, the driver holding the door open, I gave him a thank you before going into the car and taking my seat. Making sure my seatbelt was on as my mom came into the car talking to whoever she was on the phone.

'Didn't she just finish talking to the maid?' I thought to myself eyeing her before turning to look out the window. I could hear her talking about projects, investment, and my dad working for someone but I didn't bother listening.

My thoughts were elsewhere as we were soon going to see each other. I was so glad Shinichi got to me yesterday. I was scared but I did my best to be brave. The look in Shinichi's eyes when he saw me, the way he made sure I was not injured, the way he held onto me.

I shake my head as I blush looking down at my hands as I begin to play with my fingers. After a few minutes of my mother talking on the phone and me just staring out the window, she was finally done speaking on the phone.

"Y/n, I want you to know that your father and I will be going to America soon." I turn to look at my mother and she was giving me a serious look. "Is this for your p-project?" I asked her and she nodded before typing something on her phone.

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