Party pt.1

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I sit on the couch of Professor he is currently making devices for Jimmy and I. "Haibara...How is the new booster for my skateboard doing?" Jimmy asked Haibara who was on the Computer modeling and making a blueprint of a booster for Jimmy's skate board. "I'm almost done, just stop nagging" I giggled a bit a Haibara's insult. Jimmy looked in my direction and I stopped giggling and I looked somewhere else. I couldn't help but notice how close Haibara and Jimmy were. It made me...Jealous.

I looked towards the kids who were playing darts, I stood up and decided to hang out with them. I walked over and Ayumi smiled at me, "F/n are you going to play with us?" She asked with bright eyes. "Yeah why not?" I said with a smile. She gave me a few darts, "You can do it F/n!" Ayumi Cheered loudly. I looked at the dart board and I stood back a bit, I did an aiming position and than I shoot. It hit the board but it fell off. "So close!" I whined and we all laughed. I played with them for a little more until, "F/n your device is ready!" I turn to Professor Agasa and I walk over excusing myself from the kids.

I go to Professor Agasa and than I take a sit on the stool as he helped me up. I sat down and than I looked at my shoes. "Okay do you want to test them out?" He asked and I nodded with excitement. "Okay let's go outside to the road and test them out" He helped me down and than we called everyone else outside. We walk down the stairs and than out the front door of Professor Agasa's house. We walked out to the lonely road and than Professor Agasa explained the mechanics. "Okay so they look like normal Shoes right? But if you click them together the roller skate's will appear." He shoes me by click the shoes together and than Roller skates popped out from underneath and I was shocked. "Woah thank you Professor Agasa!" I smiled brightly. "Let's test them" He informed. I take my other shoes off and than I put the device on.

I tie the shoelaces on and than I stand in the middle of the road, "Ready when you are F/n!" I put a thumb up and than I ran forward a bit and I jumped a bit and clicked my shoes together and than my roller skate's popped from the bottom and now I was roller skating down the street. I put my hand's out as if I was a plane and it felt nice with the gentle breeze. "F/N COME BACK!" I heard screaming from behind me. I turn around and I push myself a bit and I start heading back. I smile at them while waving and when I stop the shoes stay the same. "To put them back as normal shoes you click them again" I click my shoes together and they turn back to normal shoes. "Thank you so much Professor Agasa!" I smile brightly. "No problem, F/n" He put his hands on his waist posing proudly. I giggled loudly, I should go around and test them a bit more. 

"Hey Imma go around a bit okay? I haven't skated in a long time" I asked looking down at my shoes. "Sure! Be safe okay?" I nodded and than I ran down the street and I jumped a bit clicking my heels. I landed safely and I was now skating down the street. I turn my head to see them still looking at me. I smiled and than I did a 180 and I than turn down the corner. I head to the side walk and I skate down the side walk, I stand still for a moment as my skate's move on there own. The sun was out and there was a gentle breeze...It was the perfect day. I held my hands out and I push a bit since I was slowing down a bit. I stop at the street light and I turn heading towards the park.

I get to the park and skate down the paths, I watch other kids playing on the playground, other's having a family day....Family day huh? I shake it off and I watch were I am going. Infront of me I see some kids blocking the path. "Excuse me!" I yelled a bit from afar so they know I am coming. I see them look in my direction and I smiled brightly, They blushed and than moved when I passed by them. I decided to start heading back since Ran-chan said she was going to pick me and Jimmy up. I push my self again and than I turn down heading the direction of Professor's Agasa's house. I look at the car's going by...I honestly haven't been out skating in a long time apart from the Amusement park. I see a huge crowd up ahead of me and I think quickly. I jump onto the railing and I turn side ways as if I was skating and then I saw a lady look at me and I waved at her with a smile. 

I than land and I cross the street and than I turn to the neighborhood. I turn to the street and than I see Professor Agasa's house. I push myself and than I get to the door step. I stop and I click my shoes together. The skate's turn to shoes and than I walk up to the door and I ring the door bell. The door opens and I walk inside, "How was your ride?" I turn to Haibara and I smile. "It was refreshing" I answer her and she smiles. "Good to hear" We walk up the stairs to where everyone was. I go sit on the couch and before I could relax Professor Agasa asked for my shoes. I toke them off and handed them to him, "I have a small thing I need to attach so please wait by" I nodded and than I head back...Where are my other shoes? 

"F/n your other shoes are over here if your wondering" I turn to Jimmy who has my shoes. I hurry over and I thank him. "No problem, How were the skates?" He asked. "They were good, It's b-been a while since I could l-last go out like that" I smiled remembering the refreshing feeling. "Oh yeah Ran called saying she is on her way to pick us up" I turn to him and I nodded. "Okay I'll go pack up" I leave towards the couch and than, I start packing my thing's up. A few minutes pass by and than the door bell rang. "I'll go answer!" I hurry down the stairs and than to the front door. I open the front door and than I see Ran-chan. "Ran-neechan!" I smiled brightly. "Hey F/n, Get Conan-kun its time to go" I nod and let Ran-chan inside. 

I walk up the stairs as Ran-chan follows me. "Ojii-san! Conan-Kun and I are going home now!" I said with my child voice. "Aww, F/n do you have to go already?" I turn to Ayumi who had a pout. "Sorry Ayumi-chan, Maybe next time!" I look towards Conan who is getting his skateboard from Haibara. I couldn't bit feel jealous when I saw them smile at each other. "Hey F/n you forgot your new shoes!" I turn to Professor Agasa and I hurry over. "Oh thank you" I take the shoe's in my hands and than he leans down and says, "I add some booster's in case of emergency, To activate it  just click the heels together when you have the roller skate's on" I nod and than I say bye to him. "Bye Ojii-san!" I smile brightly like a kid. "Bye F/n! Come back soon" I nod and wave at the kids and Haibara before leaving the down the stairs.

"Did you get new shoes F/n?" I look up at Ran-chan and nod. "They aren't just shoes Ran-neechan. They are a new device Professor Agasa invented for me" I smiled and she smiled. "That's very nice of him huh?" I nodded and than we head out to the car where Mouri-san is. "Mouri-san!" I waved at him as he smiled at me but when he turned to Conan he just gave him a blank face and turned away. I sat in the back seat with Conan and than I put my seatbelt on. "Ran when we get home get ready because we were invited to a party for your friend Sonoko. Her father just bought some expense painting and so we are going over." I listened in and I looked out the window. I wonder what I'm going to do at the party? I don't really do parties

We soon make it to the house and we head inside taking our shoe's off at the entrance. "Come on Conan and F/n let's bathe together!" I blushed at the words of let's bathe together. "No thank You ran-neechan" I smiled with hope she would leave it be but...."Come on F/n let's go" I was already in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Conan was right next to me but he had a towel wrapped as well. "F/n your going in first!" Ran-chan smiled evilly. "No no no" I shaked my head. Before I knew it she lifted me up and I made sure I was covered and than I was inside the water. I turn to see Conan looking away. "Conan-kun look away!" I shouted. "I am!" He said loudly. I toke my towel off and dipped myself into the soapy water. I felt safe since the water has soap you can't see me body. Than, I saw Conan get lifted up and than I looked away and than I heard something in the water.

We both got a shower but we were a blushing mess, I toke a glance at Conan's eye's and we looked into each other's eyes before looking away hurriedly. "Ran-neechan! Can I get out already!" I whined. "Okay okay let's get you out" With out warning I got lifted up and I panicked curling into a ball. "CONAN-KUN LOOK AWAY!" I yelled as I see Conan with a nose bleed. I got wrapped into a towel and than I rushed out of the bathroom and I ran to the bedroom. I quickly went to my bed and I changed into Black shorts and a black tank top. I was a blushing mess...Oh god. 

H-He s-saw m-me......N-Naked!

To be continued.

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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