Haunted House

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"F/n! Come here please!" I look up from my book as I turn to Ran-Chan who was in the kitchen. I get up from my warm spot and go towards her.

"Yes, Ran-neechan?" I question when she turns to me with a smile.

"F/n, Do you mind if I ask you for a favor?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

'A Favor from Ran-Chan? I wonder what she needs...' I question to myself before nodding in agreement. 

"Sure!" I answer her and then she turned around grabbing something from the counter. I watched her as she kneeled to my level and gave me a camera. 

"This is embarrassing but I have a lot of homework to do so I was hoping if you could help me with one of my homework Assignments." She said with a nervous smile, Hoping I would allow it. 

"Oh okay, Sounds easy enough" I said with a smile while Ran-Chan thanked me and then she gave me instructions.


I was walking down the street towards the address Ran-Chan gave me. I was honestly a bit scared and nervous. When I looked up the address a bunch of the same picture's showed up. 

It was the picture of a Broken and Old house, I never knew that was near here. It was supposed to be a 15 minute walk but since I have my skates It should take me atleast a 5-9 Minutes.

I stopped when I needed to cross the street, I looked to my right and left making sure I was going in the right direction.

'Ran-Chan...I should have asked if someone could come with me...' I sight as the light turned green so I could cross. A few other civilians were around making my nervousness calm down a bit but I was still scared.

I finally cross as I skate down the street as I was soon arriving in a neighborhood. I push myself a bit but I heard some familiar voices.

"I wonder how F/n-Chan is doing?" 

"She's been acting weird"

"Give her a break guys"

Those were the voices of Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko. I stop when I turn the corner seeing the Detective Boys.

"F/n-Chan!" Ayumi exclaimed loudly while happiness. I smiled at her as I waved a bit. My eye's landed on Jimmy who looked at me with a tiny bit of blush. I blushed as well looking away towards Ayumi.

"Hey g-guys!" I said with a smile as Genta rushed towards me.

"What are you doing right now F/n? Are you going somewhere?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, Ran-neechan asked me to help her run an errand so I am going over there" I explained to Genta with a smile. He nodded.

"Woah! Is that a camera?" I turn to Ayumi who had sparkles in her eyes, 'Should I explain to them?' I question but shake it off.

"Yup, Ran-neechan gave it to me so I can take picture's for her Errand" I explained and she nodded.

'Should I ask them to join me?' I question myself hoping I agree with myself since I don't want to go by myself. But being the dense person I am I disagree.

"Want us to join you?" I turn to Haibara and I just look at her. 

"Huh? Oh umm...Sure?" I respond and she nodded. 

"So where are you heading?" Asked Conan and I blush a little as I reach in my pocket giving grabbing the piece of paper Ran-Chan gave me. 

I hand it to him and he reads it then take's out his phone I assume typing in the address. I watch as his eye's widen a bit. "Are you sure this is the right address?" He question as he looked up from his phone.

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