.Her Story.

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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

"My name is F/n L/n," I said smiling as the young woman giggled. "What a pretty name. I like it." She said smiling as I smile back at her, she felt motherly like...as if she was my mother or something. "Onee-chan, why are you out here? Are you lost?" I asked her as she looked at me a bit funny before shaking her head.

"No, I'm not lost. This is my home, I live out here." She explained with a gentle smile before standing up. "Do you want a tour?" She looked down at me gently as I thought to myself.

"Am I about to get kidnapped?" I backed up just a tiny bit, she seemed to notice and frowned. "Oh, there is no need to worry. I have my own children as well, I came out here looking for herbs for the winter." She said trust, I had a feeling that I had to go with her.

I looked up to the sky, it was midday. I had time to go and come back, I looked at her and nodded. "I would like a tour," I said smiling as she giggled. "Come on, I will lead you back out of the forest whenever you have to leave." She extended her arm out to me as I took it.

She held my hand as she began walking, "She reminds me of mom."


As we walked through the forest, I made sure to try and remember where we are walking. Just in case I am getting kidnapped or something. "How long have you been living out here, onee-chan." I looked up at her as she looked ahead. 

"Hmmm, I feel for about 20 years...maybe less," She thought as my eyes widen slightly before returning to normal. "You look very young to be living here for 20 years," I said and she smiled and giggled. 

"Why Thank you, you know. You can call me Kuma, we are a bit familiar with each other now right?" She said smiling as I felt a bit of shiver but I nodded and played along. We kept walking for a while before I notice a small wooden cabin up ahead in an open area. 

The snow was falling softly in this direction so I supposed it was fine. Kuma began walking as she softly pulled me with her. I was a bit cold but I kept walking, we arrived on the steps as we walked up the three steps and onto the porch. 

"Quickly, come inside. It's starting to snow here." She said rushing to the door as I stomped my feet to take off the snow. I hurried after Kuma-san as she held the door for me, I rushed into the house as I felt the door close behind me.

"Let me start the fire." Kuma-san walked to the chimney as she put some wood into it. She had a small wood holder that I noticed. I walked over as she lit a match from the matchbox she had on top of the chimney. 

The match lit the wood as it began to shine and rise, Kuma-san blew a bit into the fire as it grew. Smoke rising to the top of the chimney and disappearing. Kuma turned to me and smiled, "Would you like something to drink?" She asked kindly as I nodded. 

"I will get you some warm milk, I have a few cookies that I baked this morning." She walked off in a direction as I stayed near the fire warming up. I was cold but I was warming up, I felt a small vibration in my pocket as I look at it.

As I was going to reach my phone, Kuma-san came back with milk and a plate of cookies. "You sit over here, I also have some blanket. I will bring some and then we can have a conversation." She put down the cookies and milk on a coffee table before walking off somewhere.

I walk to the couch as I sit down on it, surprisingly it was warm and comfy. I could hear the cracking of the wood as I heard footsteps walking. "Alright, here is a blanket for you and one for me." She hands a blanket over to me as I grab it and I bow my head a bit thanking her. 

"Tell me, F/n-chan. Is something bothering you?" She asked out of nowhere as I turn to look at her. "Huh? Is something bothering me?" I repeated as she nodded waiting for me to answer. "N-Nothing is bothering me. Just a bit tired that's all." I said smiling as she sighted.

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