.Special Chapter.

565 20 17

The day is as bright as the sky could allow it, the wind dancing through the sky with happiness. If the day was this perfect, then everything about today was going to be perfect. I whip the wet shirt in the air as I go to hang it up on the clothing rack. 

It was the last one for the day, I clip it with two light orange clippers as I lean down to pick up the basket. I gently push the basket against my hip as I lift my hand up and lay it above my forehead so it can give my eyes shade. I look over in the direction of the sakura tree behind my home.

Not just my home but our home. "Mama! Come look at this new book I am reading." 

"Just give me a second," I call back before going to the backyard door and stepping inside to put down the basket before going back out into the fresh air. 

I walk across our backyard towards the sakura tree where my husband and my daughter are. I smile as I arrive at the tree to see my husband glaring completely at our daughter. "Hey, are you two fighting?" I ask with a smile knowing my husband was just playing around.

"Yes Mama, Papa thinks he's the better detective. I won't allow it!" She continues staring as I giggle at her cuteness. I take a seat on the bench beside my husband as I put my hand on his. He breaks eye contact as he looks over at me, his blue sapphire eyes lock with mine. 

"I WON!" D/n cheered with a smile, my husband groaned.

"Y/n why did you do that? I was going to win." He complained as he looked away annoyed but I smiled as I lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek. 

"C-Come on, don't be mean." he looks over as he looks into my eyes, I pout as he rolls his eyes as he smiled. 

"Aaaaw! Papa and Mama are in loveeee~" I look over to D/n as I giggle covering my mouth a bit as I give her a small wink. My husband groaned as D/n got up and ran away towards the ladders on the sakura tree to go up to her treehouse. 

"Be careful!" I say worriedly as she smiles and nods, I watch as she goes up the ladders into the treehouse. I glance over towards my husband who was watching me. 

"Jimmy? Are you okay?" I ask concerned as to why he was staring at me with star-like eyes, almost like he remembered something. 

"You're wearing the Sakura pin I gave you." I blink before I reach up to the Sakura pin in my hair. I reach up to touch it but Jimmy goes to hold my hands, stopping me from touching it. "It looks good there." I watched his blue eyes as they sparkled, I could see the reflection of the sakura pin through his eyes.

"I-Is it weird that I'm wearing it?" I ask him as he looked down and locked eyes with me. 

"No, no, no, I just thought you lost it....in the accident." My memory flashes as I remember the accident, the people screaming and walls falling.

I shake my head as I try not to think about it. "I...I saved it. You know how important it is to me. You gave it to me." I frown thinking back to all the things we went through just to get to where we are. 

I look down as tears formed in my eyes, It was a horrible memory indeed but in the end, it gave me happiness. I felt arms around me as I was pulled into a warm comfort, somewhere safe. I hug back as I let the tears drop. "Shhh, it's okay. At least we're together, I won't let anything bad happen to our family." I nod in the hug as I let the moment sit with me. 

The sunny day was still bright, the sounds of the leaves moving in the air, and the noise of happiness was in the air. I wasn't worried about anything, not right now...not ever. If it came to me being able to sacrifice myself for the ones I love, I'll do it with no hesitation.

Especially if it came to my child, I won't let anybody or anything hurt D/n. "Mama! Papa! Can look at my drawing." Both Jimmy and I let go of each other to look up towards D/n. She was waving a paper in the air, I let go of the hug and stand up walking towards the ladders.

I stick my arms out as D/n smiles jumping out into the air towards my arms. I smiled catching her in my arms, I do a little twirl as we both giggle. I stop putting her on the grass as she pulled me towards Jimmy. "What do we have here?" Jimmy said smiling as D/n jumped onto his lap.

I sit down next to them as I look at the drawing, it was a picture of us together as a small standing in front of the sakura tree. I looked at the tree with happiness, it reminded me of Sakura-chan. I remember her telling me about how she loved the sakura trees, how she was going to live somewhere far but somewhere beautiful.

I didn't notice I was staring off into the air until I heard small snores as I look down to see D/n sleeping her head resting on Jimmy's shoulder. I smiled as I reach over and stroke her hair gently, I move closer as I look over to Jimmy who also had their eyes closed. 

I smile gently before reaching over and taking the picture from D/n's hands, the picture was going to fall as I take it into my hands and place it beside me on the bench. I lean against the bench a bit but move closer to my family. I smiled happily, this moment was everything to me. Especially when all 4 of us were together.

I glance down at my stomach as I gently lay my hand above it, I smiled. My baby was going to be with us soon, maybe not tomorrow soon but in a few months soon. D/n was going to be an older sibling. I move carefully as I close my eyes and remember the moment.

"Thank you."


To be continued.

Hello everyone! What did you think about the Special?

I know it's short and everything but I just wanted to celebrate how far we've gotten together in this book. Thank you for your support and for everything, I don't deserve such lovely people like you but thank you.

I know I am not the best but I try you know? It's hard doing something you love when you have so much been thrown at you. Though I continue to fight, so should you guys. I'm proud of you guys, and I hope you continue to do what you love to do. 

Don't let anybody make fun of you for what you look like, what you like, who you are...etc. Stand up for what you love and for those you love. Because in this world, we need more love and support than hate and violence.  

If you support the LGTBQIA+ community, I'm proud of you.

If you support the fight against discrimination of race, I'm proud of you.

If you stand up for what you care about, I'm proud of you.

Don't be afraid to reach out and try to make the world a better place. Again, I will continue to be here and be positive for myself and others.

Until we meet again, Case solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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