.The Forest.

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Recap of The Last Chapter

Mr. L/n bowed and waited until he left the room completely out of sight. Before he could do anything, he started giggling silently, before turning into a chuckle and finally into a sociopathic laugh. He was driven to the insane path, he had lost his sanity a long time ago. Though he never showed it, he turned to the desk full of papers.

He ran over and then pushed them off, he laughed out loud like a maniac letting it all out, "Oh how good it feels! The ability to be able to do anything!" He yelled out excitedly as he stopped and then gazed over at a picture on his desk. He walked over with a stone face before grabbing it into his hands and looking it over.

He smiled crazily as he said, "Oh, how beautiful it is to see my daughter get destroyed." He said chuckling evilly looking at his daughter in the picture with his 'wife.' He grabbed the walkie-talkie out of his pocket before pressing onto a button and saying. Though his thoughts were running wide, all he wanted to do was rip out the flesh.

Not his flesh but the flesh of his own daughter, he wanted to hear her cry out in pain and to her suffer. After everything she did to him and his wife, she deserved it. At least that's what the man thought, he wanted nothing but to see Y/n dead.

"Project 001, it's named will be Chiyo." 


"F/n-chan, how are you going to confess to him?" I heard Ayumi through the phone as I sight. "I'm not completely sure how I am going to do it, I just know I will do it on Christmas." Through the other side of the phone, I could hear Ayumi's sight before hming. 

"Well, if you need Ideas I can help you with it." My eyes brows rose a bit as I look around at the room. "Oh, y-you have ideas?" I sounded curious as I heard Ayumi giggle. "Yeah, For starters. You can get him a gift and then hand it to him, on the inside it should have a letter of a note that says your feelings." She first suggested as I think the scenario in my head. 

I shake my head as that Idea did not seem to work for me, "I don't think that would work." I said to the phone as I get up from the couch in the living room. I notice Ran-nee-chan and Jimmy were talking but a bit far away so they could not hear me.

"Hmm, another idea would be to just tell him. You can bring him to the side or something and confess." She suggested the second Idea as I did the same thing, thinking about it before shaking my head. "No, I don't think it would work." I rejected the suggestion once more. 

"Well....the only other thing you could do...well...maybe bring him under a mistletoe. Though, I'm not sure if that will work either." Ayumi sounded unsatisfied, she was trying to help but nothing was working out. 

"Ayumi-chan, It's okay. I will figure it out." I said walking out of the living room and down the hallway. Since yesterday, I couldn't help but think back to Jimmy and I holding hands. I walked towards the front doors as I grabbed my coat and my scarf. I held the phone next to my ear hearing Ayumi ramble on about ideas.

I was thankful she was helping me out, I was nervous at first. I had to tell her about my feelings and she teased me a bit but overall, she's a great friend. I heard Ayumi chuckle as I stepped outside, "What's so funny?" I said a bit concerned as I walked outside in the snow. 

"Oh nothing, It's just that I find it adorable. Conan-Kun and you as a couple would be adorable." She sounded happy as I blush and I felt my heart beating. "W-What? I-I..." I couldn't even speak, I was left a bit speechless as I heard Ayumi laughing softly. I walked down the cemented path that had snow on it.

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