.The Questions.

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Recap of Last Chapter: 

"Some useless nerd?" He fired back which caused Y/n to look at Jimmy who was staring at the kid. "Exactly, No one likes her. She's a freak." The kid laughed causing his comrades to laugh as well.

Jimmy then moved forward before slamming his forehead against the kid. The kid fell backwards because of the in pact and then looked up with teary eyes. "W-What the heck!" The kid said as they soon started crying as Jimmy stood tall. "Never call my friend a freak ever again." He said then turned to Y/n.

Y/n was shocked and she was looking at Jimmy, he grabbed her hand and then soon started walking away. Y/n looked at Jimmy's back as they walked towards their carpet spots. The students where looking at them walking away. Y/n could not believe what had just happened, someone stood up for her and all she could do was fall for Jimmy.

For her, it was as if a new door to life opened. Everything around her zoned out as the only thing she could see was Jimmy and her walking towards the light. Y/n smiled a bit as she held onto Jimmy.

"He called me a friend."


Little Y/n looked out towards the crowd of adults coming to pick up their children. She was waiting outside for her family, Jimmy had already started walking home and he had already left. Y/n had to wait because her parents toke quite a while to get to the kindergarten. She looked left and right watching kids get picked up. 

Y/n dug through her backpack as she pulled out the book she was reading, she opened the page to the red marker she left off on. She continued reading waiting patiently for her parents to arrive. The events from earlier still lingering in her mind, "Never call my friend a freak again.

Those words rang and rang like a soft beautiful melody. Y/n was happy non the least, she actually looked forward towards tomorrow. She wondered if  Jimmy would be with her through out her life. For some reason, she wanted to be by his side forever. Being his first time meeting Y/n...she felt like she actually belonged. 

Though, her parents sometimes made her feel lonely. They were always busy working and going off on trips. Y/n is an only child and the only company she has left is her cat and the house maid. Though she loved the house maid a lot because she cared for her well. As Y/n continued reading she heard footsteps walking in her direction. 

She glanced up from her book and there she saw her mother, Y/n smiled as she closed her book. "Y/n!" Her mother called out to her with a small wave, Y/n waved back as she held her book in her arms. Y/n looked up towards the teacher who nodded at her. Y/n said her quick goodbye before hurrying to her mother.

Her mother had open arms as Y/n arrived infront of her mother and toke into her mother's warmth. "How was school?" Her mother asked as she looked down at her daughter. Y/n smiled letting go of the hug. "It was great! I made a new friend today." Y/n explained as her mother smiled. 

"I'm so proud of you! How about we go home and I make your favorite snack?" Her mother requested as Y/n nodded with a big smile. They soon left the school grounds into the car that drove off. Within the warm leather seats of the car, Y/n explained her day to her mother. She told her about Jimmy and how he liked reading books as well. 

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