.My feelings.

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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

You see F/n-chan, I was just like you. I know your still young and small but I urge you to never lose someone you love. It will be hard to recover if something bad happens. You have to believe in yourself, you have to accept the possibility of getting rejected. Everyone has to go through rejection even once or twice.

You need courage and self-esteem for this, you need to prove to yourself that you're not scared. I know it's a tough journey but...in the end, everything should turn out for the better. Don't be afraid of rejection because it helps you grow sometimes.

That's my advice to you, F/n-chan. 


After that chat at the cafe with Sakura-chan, I've been thinking about it. About my feelings for Jimmy and what I should do. I never wanted things to be so difficult and for it to get out of hand. I know I promised to grow stronger and to fight for the one I love.

It just seems like the closer I get to confessing...the closer I am to losing the one I love. I don't know what to do. Since we talked a few hours ago, we went back to the house and now I'm sitting here in the bedroom thinking about it. "I should really relax or something, Maybe I will go to the Suana." I thought out loud as I move to go to my clothing.

As I grabbed my belongings and got ready for the sauna, my thoughts rang out throughout my head. I just needed to relax or something, I can think about my feelings later. I walked down the hallway towards the stairs. I walked down the stairs earning a small creak from one of the floorboards.

For some reason, when Sakura and I arrived back at the house it was quiet. Like no one was around but her and I. I finally arrive at the Suana as I open the door, the backyard warmth hitting me as I walk over to the small river with the waterfall. The sound of the water moving calmed me down as I watched the lilypads move with the water.

Lanterns were lit here and there making the scene beautiful. I go to a nearby bathroom as I take off my clothing putting them inside a small locker. I put on a towel around me as I put my hair up in a bun. I walk out into the warmth as I walk over to the water. I watch as steam raised from within the water. 

I then remove my towel as I step into the water, the warmth hitting my naked body as I sink inside. Since nobody was around, I could swim around a bit and relax. I looked down at the water playing with my hands. I sat on the side as my head tilted back looking upwards. I lay there in the water, letting the water soothe my aching muscles.

My mind wandered back to the talk Sakura-chan and I had, "What should I do..." I said out loud as I sight. I close my eyes as I think about the recent events. Everything came crashing down on me as my mind wandered off to Jimmy. The way he smiles, he laughs, the way he grabs his hair when he thinks sometimes, and the way he looks serious. 

I admire him, he's amazing at anything he does. That's Jimmy Kudo to you, he's...everything. My body froze for a second when I heard the water moving. I open my eyes looking up to see someone else in the water. I couldn't tell who it was though because of the steam in the Sauna. "H-Hello? Whose t-there?" I say sitting upright making sure my body was underwater so I don't expose anything.

"Huh? Is that you F/n-chan?" I heard Ran's voice as I relax my tense body. I sight in relief as I see Ran come into view. She comes over to where I am as she sits next to me. "Hey, How are you?" She says and I look up to her, "I'm...okay." I said looking out towards the waterfall. 

"Are you sure? You seem...stressed." I looked back over to her as I sight. "Is it t-that noticeable?" I asked looking up at her as she nodded. "You can talk to me, I can try to help you." She said as I blush thinking of what is stressing me out. "Should I talk to her about it? She has the same crush as me...though she doesn't know Jimmy is Conan." I thought to myself before turning my body to look at her. 

"Ran-nee-chan, Can I have some advice?" I said as she turned to me and nodded, she looked at me telling me to go on.

"Well, You know...I have a crush on someone but...I don't know if I should confess." I played with my fingers as I heard the water moving a bit. 

"Hm, Is it Conan-Kun?~" I heard her tease as my cheeks became red as I looked up at her with nervousness. "I-I...Yeah..." I said as she smiled gently at me but with excitement. She seemed to calm down though, noticing the situation.

 "Well, I say you confess to him. There is always the possibility of rejection. We can't avoid it but we know it's there. You need to believe in yourself and in them. If you get rejected, you can grow from it and they will be missing out." She explained as I thought about rejection, I frowned at the idea. 

"On the other hand, if he accepts you will be together and it would an amazing experience. I also have a crush on someone. I haven't seen them for a long time, I love them. My heart beats for them and I want to be with them...though, I'm hurting someone else because of my feelings." I looked up at her as my eyes soften. 

"She's talking about me...the day I told her she could confess to Jimmy. The amusement park." My thoughts range as I listened to her talk. 

"I don't want to hurt her feelings, she's important to me. You want to know her name?" She asked turning to me as I nodded. "Her name is Y/n L/n, She has your last name. Though I don't think you are related." She said smiling softly as my eyes shined. She continued to speak as I listened to her.

"I've known her since we were little, you kind of remind me of her. She is timid and shy, though she is strong and brave at the same time. She also reminds me of those wild cards, you don't know what you will get until you use the card." She said smiling and giggling as I giggled as well.

"Y/n and I both have a crush on the same guy, though she started liking him first. She wants me to confess to him first. I never understood why she let me, I never got to ask her. I want to talk to her and talk things out but I guess it's awkward right now. I don't want to lose her though, she's like a little sister to me." She said gazing softly at the water as I started feeling a bit guilty.

"She sounds like a nice, nee-chan," I said as my heart beats thinking of the words she said. Ran-chan nodded with a smile, "I think you would get along with her, Though right now she is visiting family." She said as my memory range to that time she called me to hang out with her and Sonoko-chan at the pool. 

"You know, I think Conan-Kun likes you. I've caught him staring at you many times. The stares aren't mean ones but gentle and admirable ones. I believe he has a crush on you, I think you should confess." She said looking down at me as my eyes shined. "You think so?" I said as I got excited, she nodded as I blushed and played with my fingers. 

"I-I...I think I'm going to confess on Christmas." 


Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed today's chapter. Sorry if it seems off or rushed. I have been busy but I am trying to put out chapters. I want to thank you guys for the support and love I am receiving. 

I'm happy to make your days and your year, I understand it's a stressful time but since New years is coming soon, we can hope for a healing year. Let's pray for a better year and for everything to turn outright. 

The next chapter may be coming out tomorrow or the day after that, I am also happy to announce that this is officially the 30th chapter of the book. It's such an amazing achievement! I never thought of getting this far but here I am! 

Anyways, Thank you for inspiring me and for helping me with updating. 

Until next time, Case solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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