.I Love You.

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Recap of The Last Chapter:

He arrived at the cabin, at last, he walked inside talking off his shoes and outer clothing. He hung his jacket and scarf. He put on his sandals and walked towards the stairs. He noticed that voices were talking down the hallway, "Sonoko and Ran." He thought to himself as he heard the voices.

He shook it off and turned to the stairs and went up to the second floor. When he made it to the second floor, he walked down the small hallway before ending up at the bedroom he stayed in. He softly opened the door, there he saw F/n still in bed sleeping.

He sighed in relief knowing she was still resting, he walked up to the bed, and then he sat up onto the bed. "Hey, I brought you your medication. I know you're still sleeping. I'll wait until you wake up. Rest assured, I'll protect you." He said in a low voice as a whisper only for F/n to hear him.

He placed the medication on the desk nearby and then he moved to lay beside F/n. He was not on inside the blankets but on the outside. He wants to keep F/n warm, he knew body heat was a thing so he just hoped his body temperature did something. His eyes rested on F/n's face, he felt calm and relaxed.

"Hey, Y/n...I think I've fallen in a pit I can't climb back up. Though, I don't think I want to leave it, because you're there."


It's been about 4 days since F/n had passed out, during that time. She had woken up and was explained about her condition by Sonoko. F/n was sad to hear she was sick but there was nothing she could do. She had to wait and wait until she could recover, she had been taken a shower only her head by Ran. Though she could say it was embarrassing but she fought through it. 

It was now December 20th, the day she was going to confess her feelings...but she didn't know if her plan was going to go through. All she had done was stay either in bed or in the living room. She had taken her medication a bit ago and now she was sitting on her bed looking out the window as the snow slowly fell.

There would be a big festival today in the afternoon, around sundown. F/n wanted to go but she had to stay, everyone else was going to go but since she got sick, they decided not to go. Currently, it was 6:30 Pm in the afternoon 2 hours before the festival and she felt horrible. F/n felt her heart tighten, she felt bad for running on such an important day.

Sonoko and Ran come into the room as F/n kept looking out the window. They noticed her sad she looked and Ran knew why she never told anyone about F/n's plan. In all honesty, she felt bad for F/n, she knew F/n was going to confess this day but she couldn't do it the way she wanted. "F/n-chan, how are you feeling?" She asked softly as F/n turned around to face her, she smiled. 

"I'm doing well, Thank you f-for asking." She responded as Ran nodded and smiled back. Sonoko felt a weird feeling in the air as she looked from F/n to Ran who was looking F/n. She leaned in and whispered, "What's going on? Why do I feel like something special was supposed to happen today?" Ran looked at her and waved it off before going to the nightstand and checking that everything was alright. 

"Ran-nee-chan?" F/n called out as Ran turned to F/n who turned to look at her, Ran nodded for her to continue. 

"Are you guys attending the festival?" She asked guiltily as Ran looked at Sonoko who signaled a no but Ran wanted to do something for the girl. She smiled and nodded, "Yup! We are attending, you might not be able to but Conan-kun said he would stay behind with you." 

"Really? That makes me happy, you g-guys gets to go to the festival." F/n smiled as Ran giggled, Sonoko faced palmed herself before checking the time. She noticed it was almost 7 'o'clock as she reached to grab Ran by the shoulder. 

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