.Man in Black.

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Recap of last chapter:

"Jimmy..." I say and he smiled lightly, He walked over as he stopped infront of me. I blushed as he looked into my eyes. I was about to say something before he pulled me into a hug. I was shocked as I didn't move at first.

"You know what this means right?" I heard him say into my ear as I blushed more then before. If that's even possible. My gaze moved towards him as I looked at his head. "W-What do you m-mean?" I ask him.

"A war is starting Y/n, We need to stick together....Okay?" I for some reason felt happy he said we had to stick together so I nodded as I hugged him back.

"Of course...T-Together.." I smiled as he hugged me....This was the start of my second chapter....The start of our story.

But it still lingers in my mind...."Watch out for the Men in Black."

"Who was that Police Officer?"


Its been a few days since the Haunted case happened, Everything was normal until then. Though the words of that man still lingered in my mind. 

"Watch out for the Men in Black."

"Who was that? Why did they say that?" I questioned as I sat looking at my breakfast. I haven't touched it since I sat down. I was to busy in my thoughts forgetting where I was and what I was doing. 

My hands were holding my chopsticks as I sat there, "Why....Why would I have to watch for them?" I question again as I didn't hear my name be called 2 times already.

"Y/n!" I snap out as I look up at the person who called me, I noticed it was Ran-chan. I make a 'huh' before looking around.

"Oh! Right, I have school." I quickly begin to eat my breakfast, everyone was looking at me weirdly as I finish and rush getting up and heading to the door. I hear footsteps behind me as I put my shoes on and I grab my backpack.

"Ran-neechan! I'll be back after school. Hurry Conan-Kun!" I say going out the door as I walk down the stairs of the building. As I walked down the street I could hear hurried footsteps behind me, I turn around as Jimmy rushed towards me. 

"Geez, You could have waited for me." He said as he huffed from running down the stairs. I bow and I apologize before turning to continue walking. My thoughts still messed up as Jimmy walked next to me. "I just don't understand, Who was that..." I question myself as we continue walking before making it to school.

As we arrived kids were walking with their kids talking and laughing, for some unknown reason...I didn't feel like doing any of those. I just couldn't help but be alert about everything around me. When I see something from my corner of the eye I can't help but get alert and look in the direction.

For some reason it felt like I was being watched, My eyes darted looking around at my surroundings. "Hey Y/n?" I snap out of my concentration to look at Jimmy who was beside me. We walked down the hallway as he asked. 

"Are you okay? Your acting strange." He claimed while looking forward. I looked at him confused until I sight looking ahead of me. 

"Its n-nothing really, I-I'm just tried." I lied as his eyes looked over at me, I smiled at him as he looked away when we heard. "Conan-Kun! F/n-Chan!" My gaze looks up when I see Ayumi-chan running in our direction.

I decide to smile as I wave at her, "Hey guys hurry up! Class is starting early." Mitsuhiko-kun exclaimed as I gasped rushing towards the door. I got inside with Jimmy at the same time, as we got inside I noticed some guy in a black suit and some glasses. 

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