.My First Friend.

604 29 59

Recap of Last Chapter: 

I look out towards the snow falling and the city lights. I finally heard Jimmy sleeping with the sound of his gentle breathing. I hesitantly turn to look at him, my eyes soften looking at his sleeping figure.

I blush as I notice I'm staring at him, "Stop staring Y/n...that's weird." I said to myself in my thoughts as I was going to turn around before I stopped. I knew this was something I was going to regret in the morning but I scoot a bit closer to Jimmy.

I engulf his warmth even though we are inches from each other, I didn't hug him or anything just stayed a bit close. My eyes are finally dropping from the sleep that I need as I slowly but surely fall asleep.

"I...I love you.


"Mom...Dad?" The little girl called out to her father and mother who were in the front of the car. "Do I have to go?" The girl said looking down at her yellow skirt. Her mother looked back at her and smiled. "Of course you do!" The mother said as the father glanced at the mother and nodded before turning back to look at the busy rode.

The girl sighted but clutched her skirt, "I don't like it there." The girl said as some piece of her hair fell on her hair. The mother sighted looking at her daughter. "Y/n, your going to be fine. Its only a few days before break. Why don't you like it there?" The mother asked her daughter as Y/n just looked down.

"Nobody likes me." Y/n said and her mother looked concerned as she looked at her husband. "Why would no one like you?" The mother asked and Y/n looked up at her mother with teary eyes. "No one wants to be my friend..." Y/n sniffed trying to not cry as the mother pouted. 

"Y/n...Sweetie don't worry, we will take care of that. Does anybody bully you?" The mother asked her child worried as Y/n looked up at her mother. "What's a Bully?" She asked and the mother sighted.

"a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. Basically someone who hurts you when you did nothing to them." The mother said as Y/n thought back. Nothing like that happened and no one has hurt her physically. 

Y/n shook her head as the mother smiled with relief  that no one has hurt her precious Gem. Soon enough the conversation about her grades came up but it was nothing serious. Y/n had some of the best grades. The car soon parked infront of the school gate as the mother got off,  she walked over to Y/n's side and opened the door for her.

The little girl got out holding her mother's hand. "I'll drop you off." The mother said looking down at Y/n. Y/n nodded her head before they started walking into the elementary school building. Soon enough Y/n's mother had dropped her in class and left saying goodbye to her Gem. 

Y/n looked around noticing everyone with their little groups of friends. She sighted sadly before going towards her covert and grabbed her favorite book. It was about mystery and detectives, she loved reading about it because they were funny, entertaining, and it was something that inspired her to Dream about being a detective. 

She walked over to her carpet spot and sat down, most kids ignored her because she was quite and because they didn't like her. They always thought of her being weird because she read books and never wanted attention. "Alright class! Everyone please sit down on your carpet spots." The teacher said as they smiled brightly. 

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