Park prt.1

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Warmth...Warmth? Is something or someone next to me? I flutter my eyes open turning to my side to notice Jimmy sleeping. I blushed deeply...H-He's sleeping n-next to me! I noticed I was staring at him and I decided to get out of the bed...Good thing he wasn't holding me. I slowly make my way to the closet and I grab an outfit for today as well as my new shoe's which Professor Agasa made for me. I heard movement and I turn my head a bit to see Jimmy moving around on my bed. I go out the door towards the bathroom, I noticed that I was the first one awake...I wonder if Ran-chan is awake

I close the door behind me and I lock it to make sure no one come's inside, I take off my clothes as I put on my outfit for today. I than put on my white socks and I put on my shoes. I tie the shoe lace's and than I fold my Pj's. I grab a small stool which was by the bathtub. I put it infront of the bathroom mirror and than I get on top of it. I can reach the sink just barely....I mean I'm shorter than Jimmy and Jimmy is shorter than Genta-kun and Mitsuhiko-Kun. Atleast he is the same height as Haibara-chan and I atleast have Ayumi-chan with me. Speaking...No thinking of my friends I should ask them if they want to hang out today. I brush my teeth and than I brush my hair.

I quickly finish and than I move the things back before getting my things and heading back to my bedroom with Jimmy. I get inside and than I see Jimmy is awake and dressed up, He is wearing a Yellow shirt with a red bow and dark blue jeans. He fix's his glasses and turns to me, "Oh good morning Y/n" He says and I blink before answering. "G-Good Morning J-Jimmy" I look away towards my bed and I notice its made as well. "S-So about that.." I point towards my bed and than I turn to Jimmy who was blushing avoiding eye contact. "I-I...I accidentally feel asleep on your bed sorry for bothering you" He bowed a bit, I blushed and than I smile. "Its okay Jimmy" I giggle a bit as he stood up straight blushing a bit. 

Just than the door opened behind me as I yelped a bit since I got jump scared. "O-Oh! Good morning Ran-neechan!" Conan smiled brightly...I looked behind me to see Ran-chan dressed up for the day. "Good morning Conan-Kun and F/n" I smiled a bit as I bowed saying, "Good morning to you as well Ran-neechan" I smiled brightly but a bit jealous...maybe Conan still like's Ran-chan. "Breakfast is ready so come on out to eat" I followed Ran-chan out the door being followed by Conan-kun. I couldn't help but wonder where Mouri-san was. "Ran-neechan...Where is Mouri-san?" I asked in my childish voice. "Oh, He in the office drunk...In the morning..." Ran-chan seemed a bit mad. 

"You guys go ahead and eat...I have things to take care of" She cracked her knuckles and than stomped out of the room towards Mouri-san's officer. I sweat drop and pray for Mouri-san's safety. I pay my attention to the breakfast which Ran-chan made. I sit on the chair as I silently eat my breakfast with Jimmy. I am half way finished with my breakfast and than I stop eating to say, "Jimmy....Can we g-go to the park today? W-With our friends?" I asked nervously hoping he says yes. "Sure." I smiled a bit as I continue eating and I heard a yell from the office and it was Ran-chan. I sighted as I finished my breakfast and I go to the sink and I reach as far as I can.

I was on my tippy toes...I can barely see the sink than I felt someone lift me up, I look at Jimmy and he nods. I place the dish inside the sink and than I get down safely, "T-Thank you Jimmy" I said with blush. He smiled a bit and than I was feeling a lot happier. I go to my room and than I grab my phone and I grab a bag and than my earphone's. I go back to the living room and than Jimmy walks over to me, "I will get my skate board. Tell Ran we are going out" I nod and than I head to the office. I open the door to see a wall cracked. I gulp and than I see Ran scolding Mouri-san. "Ran-neechan! Conan-kun and I are going out to the park!" I see Ran-chan nod and than return to scolding Mouri-san. 

I close the door and than I head to the front door to see Jimmy putting his shoe's on. I was already wearing mine so I just go the door and I open it walking out waiting for Jimmy. "Did you text our friends?" I asked and than he nodded. "I told them to meet us at the park to hang out" I nodded and than we head down the stairs. My dress moved a bit here and there. I than turn to Jimmy as he puts his skate board down. "Are you ready?" He asks and than I jump a bit clicking my shoe's together as the roller skate's appear. I than dig in my small backpack and I plug my headphone's on and I go to YouTube and I play, TXT Blue Orangeade (Hehehe). I play the song a bit low to make sure I can hear if someone talks to me. 

I put the phone on the side of the backpack and the music started. I go to the front of Jimmy and I say I'm ready. I take the lead pushing my self a bit as we make our way to the park...I looked at the people around me and the car's going down the street but always making sure I know where I am going. Here and there I would sing the lyric's even though it was Korean and a bit of English. (UwU) I close my eyes for a second and than I see someone infront of me. I was going to crash into them but I move quickly twirling out of the way and making a small turn so I won't crash into the road blocker and back on the middle of the side walk. 

I look behind me a bit to see Jimmy looking at me, I turn back to the front of me and I move here and there and doing small spins. I than see the park infront of us and than I push myself a bit and than I see the stairs and I smile...I haven't done a trick in a while. "Y/n the stairs!" Jimmy yelled from behind me. I than push myself a bit and I jump and I than do a perfect landing on the floor infront of the stairs. I turn back to see if Jimmy is impressed and sure as heck he was. "Nice trick Y/n" He smiled as he got to the bottom of the stairs. "Thank you, I was a professional Roller Skater" I smile proudly. "No wonder huh?" He smiled as I heard our friends call us over. I turn to see them under a tree with a bench under it. I skate over as Jimmy follow's behind...

Today should be calm.....Right?

To be continued

Sorry for not uploading in a while but here I am with another chapter! Hopefully you guys are excited for next chapter...Its a case :D I will try my best to do a better case than last time. Please like and comment. I love reading the comments <3 Until next time Case solvers

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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