.The Detective.

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Recap of The chapter, Ice Cream:

She wasn't much of an attention seeker so she stood there and smiled warmly at the stranger. "Nice to meet ya. I've never seen you with Kudo. You his friend?" They asked and Y/n nodded shyly. The owner chuckled as they guide the two children to a table of two near a window.

They sat down and ordered their ice creams. As they waited they talked about some mystery novels and about books they want to read. They also talked about their supposed dreams. "So you want to be a detective as well," Jimmy said and Y/n nodded. "Hmm...I guess we will see who gets the title first." Jimmy smirked as Y/n giggled. "I g-guess so." She said with a smile.

Soon enough their ice creams arrived and they were placed in front of each other. "This is on the house! Enjoy." The owner said with a proud smirk as Jimmy rolled his eyes. Y/n bowed her head thanking the owner. They picked up their spoons and ate their ice cream together. From the owner's eyes, he could tell that the two of them were going to be great people in the future.

The owner had small visions in his eyes and he smirked, "Manz truly got game." They said watching the two kids eat their Ice cream. "It's really amazing...seeing true love flutter before it has even started."

"They are meant to be."


Jimmy stood outside the school building, He was waiting for his friend to arrive. He wanted to make sure she was safe because of yesterday's events. The note bothered him, he had told his parents about the note his friend received. Since his dad was a novelist he was able to figure out some things about the writer.

From what he could tell, the writer seemed to be older than them from the grammar and the way they wrote. His father told him about how well they wrote it and not in a rush, which meant they had plenty of time to write that without being disturbed. 

His father mentioned going to the authorities, Jimmy told him that they already had a plan on that. So as of now, he was just waiting for Y/n to arrive at school. His eyes glanced left and right as cars and people went by. A few minutes went by and with no sight of Y/n, he started getting worried. "What if something bad happened to her?" He questioned it as he noticed a car pulling up to Kinder. 

The door to the car opened once the car had stopped moving and was safely parked. Out of the car, came out his friend, Y/n. She wore her usually kinder outfit like everyone else, she seemed to be talking to someone before nodding and closing the door. The car goes unparked before driving off into the distance. 

Y/n watched the car before turning around and then locking eyes with Jimmy. Jimmy sighed as he waved a bit, Y/n had a tiny bit of blush on her cheeks. Though, being the clever yet dense boy that Jimmy was thought nothing of it. Y/n walked over, her small hair moving in the wind for some reason.

His heart rate increased, time seemed to slow down for him, his blue sapphire eyes locking onto the e/c eyes. He blushed a bit, before shaking out of the thought and noticing Y/n was not near him. "G-Good morning, J-Jimmy!" She greeted with a shy smile, though it made him happy seeing she was okay. 

"Morning, how was your ride here?" He asked as they both turned in the direction of the school building as they walked inside. Y/n answered his question as they held a conversation while they walked. For the time being, they did their normal schedules, going to the classrooms, lunch, library, classrooms, break...etc. 

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