Reply? Please?

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'Team where r u?'

'Team wanna go to McD later?'

'Team? You read my messages, why aren't you replying?'

Team reads. He can't do this right now.

Not when the incident happened not too long ago, and his mind isn't ready to confront shit. Maybe his heart isn't too. Any confrontation is shit at this point in time.

He knows he's being a coward. He's a willing coward. For today. And the day after that. But he's not a coward after he recuperates. He just needs a little more time.

Team pockets his phone and looks out the classroom window. He gets out last in his class so he can avoid the crowd in the lobby. He slowly empties his desk, slowly puts his books and notes inside his bag and slowly walks towards the last seat at the back to hide there for a few minutes. Then when it's only a few minutes before class, he runs out of there, in great speed, towards his next lecture. That way he has an excuse for running across campus, and he has an excuse why he can't talk with PharmManaow before class.

It's easy, it's perfect, it's brilliant, it's genius.

On cue, his alarm sets off for his 3 PM class. With only 4-minutes, he rushes out of the classroom but was blocked by an arm around his neck. The air was literally knocked out of him. He chokes and struggles to get the arm off his neck, but the arm was too persistent and too strong and Team had no choice but to get dragged towards wherever. That and he literally just got injured.

He was pushed to a wall on a secluded part of the building, and the impact was only buffered by his backpack, but he finally sees his assailant.

"Hia! What the hell? You almost killed me," Team scolds while rubbing his 'injured' neck.But Team was stopped short when he looks at the older one and he can see that the other looked very sad.

"I'm sorry for that Team. I didn't mean to. Is it still hurting?" Win says, and slowly and gently touches Team's neck to check for injuries.

Team can only shake his head and steps back to avoid the older's hands on him.

Win puts his hands down and bows his head.

Team wants to laugh and make a joke about this. About everything. Just to get that horrible expression off his face but his mouth doesn't want to move and cooperate. Team can only smile a little and punches the older on the shoulder.

"It's fine, Hia. What were you doing here anyway? Did you need anything?" Team asks.

When the older looks up and looks at him, Team can't keep eye contact, so he smiles and looks elsewhere. Pretending to look around for any person nearby.

"Hia, I'm almost late for class. I'm sorry for not replying to your texts, I was just about to but you blocked me out of nowhere," Team says and laugh a little.

Win is still looking at him like he took away his candy, and Team is almost, this close to giving in."Are you mad at me, baby cheeks?" Win finally says.

Team grips the straps on his bag and laughs, then scratches the back of his head.

"What are you talking about, Hia?" Team jokingly says and pushes the older's left shoulder.

But Win holds his hand still, holding it to stay on his shoulder, and now, he grips both of his hands and pulls his hands towards his chest. So Team's hand rests on the center of Win's warm, sturdy chest. And Team thinks- 'this is the last thing I need. Please let me go'

But he smiles and looks up at the older. Plastering the pull on his lips, and the smile on his eyes.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you, baby cheeks. Please don't ignore me. Please don't hide from me," Win says forlornly.

Win pulls him towards his body for a hug. And the other is hugging him tightly. Team can only sigh and rest his face on the crook of his older friend's neck.

"Can you skip your class for today? Let's get McD then play PS4. Please," Win begs.

Team tucks his forehead on the older's neck, so his face is totally covered by his body. He nods a little and the little motion brought a huge smile to Win's face.

"Okay," Team relents.


OOOhhhh I love their chemistry so much. This scene is so pretty in my head. But as you can see it turned out shit. Hahahaha

All comments, suggestions, criticisms, fangirling, are very welcome in the comment section! Please tell me what you guys think. Haha

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Until then,


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