The Week After

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"Soooo, let me get this straight," Team starts. Win nods to let him continue.

Win sitting across him, cross-legged on the bed, as they share junk food between them.

"I got drunk, danced with a girl in the bar. Then you brought me home. But since I didn't have my keys with me, you let me sleep here." Team concludes.

Win nods and brings a chip to his mouth. Team grabs that hand and brings it down and says, "Wait, Hia. Something isn't adding up."

"Like what?"

"Like how did we end up sleeping together? Why did Pharm and Manaow say they were looking for me?" Team asks.

"Well, I asked them to watch you while I said goodbye to my friends but apparently, you ran into the crowd and looked for me. I remembered you saying you had something to tell me. Something important. But when we got in the car you just said something about Pharm being tiny? And that my hand was huge,"

'Okay, these are things I can already remember,' Team thinks.

"And then we got home, I looked for your keys, and you didn't have it on you, so I made you sleepover," Win continues.

'Okay, so far so good. Although something seems missing, I can't point what it is. And why would Hia, lie to me? He doesn't need to lie.' Team thinks.

"So, you were driving while intoxicated? You could've been caught, Hia" Team scolds.

Win doesn't answer, so Team asks instead-

"And? How did we end up sleeping-not just sleeping?" Team asks the older.

Win looks at him from the corner of his eyes and licks his lips. Once, twice, and then brushes his hands through his blonde locks.

"Hia? What's wrong?" Team asks. He moves from sitting on the bed to kneeling on it and bunches the blankets in his hands.

"To be honest, I can't remember it that well too, Team. I may have been more drunk than I actually was. Pretty tired too from the swimming tryouts. I just remembered we were lying on the bed, and then we talked a bit, and then I woke up we're both naked," Win answers.

Team settles down, and he's been kind of expecting this answer. They were both tired, very drunk, and the older must've shut down from exhaustion.

"I'm sorry for taking advantage of you, Team. I'm the older one, I promised Mae I'll take care of you, but instead, it was me who 'ate' you first. And you were saving yourself for someone but I took it away." Win says.

Team admits the older seems to be very pitiful and to be begging at him. Looking that defeated.

He can't say he's angry because he was saving himself for the older anyway. But he was drunk, he can't remember everything. But he felt like he was being cheated on. Taken advantage of.

But they were both drunk, so he can't blame everything on his older friend.

"I'm really sorry, Team,"

"I'd like to blame everything on you. Hia. But-but we were both drunk. It's not like we could've done it sober right?" Team asks.

Win, who has never looked away from him, subtly nods and says, "Mhmm"

Team sighs. Of course, it could never happen sober.

"I guess there's nothing we can do about it. We'll get over this, forget about this. We'll just be laughing at this in the future. Haha," Team mockingly laughs.

"Yeah, ha-ha" Win continues. Void of any emotion.

They were silent for a few minutes, and it was Win who broke the silence-

"So, you're not mad?" Win asks.

"Do you want me to be mad?" Team answers.

Win shakes his head abruptly and holds Team's forearms.

"But you were gentle with me at least, right?" Team asks.

Win frowns, and looks at him, "Are you hurting anywhere? Do you want some painkillers? I bought a pack for you."

Team shakes his head. Win stands up and takes out a pack in his bag anyway. And hands it over to Team. A pack of painkillers. And some ointment.

Team blushes but hides it with- "Do you always take care of your Faen like this?"

Win says, "I always make sure my partners are fine. I always practice safe sex and I get tested every 3-6 months."

Team bites his lips and smiles, as cheerfully as he can, "Of course you do."

Of course, he does. The older is used to this. He guesses his name just got listed on the bedpost.

At least he won't get tossed in the morning, and he'll still get to talk to him unlike his other 'sex partners'.

And it was just sex, no partners.

And, it's not like it'll happen again. He'll just make sure he'll never get drunk with his older friend again, or else Team will take the lead this time. And that can never happen. The older will surely find out about his feelings for him.

"So you won't disappear on me, right? No more hiding? No more no replying?" Win asks.

Team faces him, and punches the older gently on the shoulders, "What would you do without me though? How will you live without me?" Team laughs.

But he's shocked to hear the older's answer, "Nothing. I can't. I need you in my life, bab- Team. I was so scared I have lost you for good."

Team laughs.

It's not like he can live without him too. They've been friends ever since he was this snotty (like mucus all over, everywhere, bratty) kid, and the older is too important for him to lose.

"Right! So don't you forget it," Team jokingly says.

And for the first time that night, Win finally smiles. That smile that stretches his full lips, showing all his white teeth, and his eyes almost about to close.

And Team realizes, 'I could never run away from this smile. Even if I wanted. For years. I wanted to.'

Team tries his best to reciprocate that smile. But it could only hide the pain in his eyes.

His heart belonged to his Hia, and he can only fucking smile.

"Never," Win says, adamant.


But did WinTeam do safe sex in the previous chapter? HIHIHI.

This is in no way to promote unsafe sex tho. 'No glove, no love' folks. And please get tested for your and your partner's health. And CONSENT. Sex is so much sexier with CONSENT. We don't support rape in this house.

So this is the talk. And the last chapter is their first time. Hehehe this is an actual slow burn so we're still on the way there. I hope everybody will still be on their journey with me. Huhu

All comments, suggestions, criticisms, fangirling, are very welcome! Please tell me what you guys think. Haha

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Until then,


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