I'm Borrowing

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'Shit!' Team curses in his mind.

"Shit!" Team carelessly out loud this time.

"Ssh!" Someone hisses from the back and Team remembers he's in class, in the middle of a pop quiz.

He bows his head low and goes back to doodling on the sides of his worksheet. He finished the quiz early.

He doesn't know why but his head was clearer than crystal, making him remember everything they had discussed in the previous lecture and is now free to go back to his self-deprecating thoughts.

Of how stupid he is, how stupid it was that he let himself go, and how stupid he is for being in love with a person he isn't supposed to be.

When he sobered up and remembered what happened the night before, he realizes, he wasn't completely drunk. He may have had a shot of everything and maybe a pint or even a galloon of cheap, watered-down beer. Okay, perhaps a few glasses of low-grade vodka, but it wasn't enough for him to be dead drunk. But it was enough to destroy his life, and whatever relationship he had with his best friend, apparently.

It was his desire, and his lust, that made him let go. He consented to the first, and unarguably, the best sex of his life.

He clamps his hair in his hand and tries his hardest not to make a sound, but it caused him to wiggle in his seat, and make a screeching sound on the tile. He may not have screamed, but the look on the professor's face when he looks up, seemed like he should've just screamed anyway.


'Cause you know I'm borrowing by now

"Team? Baby Cheeks?" Win knocks on the door, once, twice, before Team was able to answer it.

Team puts his guitar down, runs to the door, and opens it as fast as he can. He even almost unhinged it with mere strength.

"Hia! I told you not to call me that anymore! We're in High School. People will make fun of me," Team pouts, and crosses his arms in front of him, as Win lets him in his room.

"Team, everyone in that school knows you already. And your nickname. But if they say anything about it, tell me. I'll deal with them," Win says seriously.

Team was not supposed to feel flattered, and happy about it. But he is. God damn it, it makes him feel things.

But he keeps it in and pouts away the fluttering in his stomach. He stomps the way back to his bed, where his older friend is sitting, and picks up the guitar.

"Is that what you were doing? Why you couldn't come to the door faster?" Win asks.

The younger of the two nods, and goes back to tuning his guitar.

"Are you replacing me with a guitar?" Win pulls a face and fakes a sob.

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