Cute neighbo- I mean, carrots. Ahem.

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"P'! We're supposed to be-"

"Win, look. We have a new neighbor."

The young boy tsks and sighs exasperatedly. He isn't curious. At all. But if his brother is making this much fuss, maybe he can take a little peek.

"Look. Over there. In Par Aranya's old house."

The younger of the two looks over to the huge house right next to their kitchen. With the windows just low enough to look out, he and his brother perch their chins on the sill and watch the new neighbors move huge boxes after huge boxes.

It takes a while.

They're just- they're just watching these people move boxes and the young boy's attention span is short and still painfully playful. And this is even as boring as cutting vegetables.

"P', how long are we going to watch them carry boxes? This is boring. Help me chop the carrots or-"

"Win, they have a kid. Maybe we can ask him to play with us later."

"P', if you don't come to help me right now, I'm telling Mae."

His brother was dazed and silent as if he didn't hear what he just said, so he looks out again. And oh.


The little boy with the new neighbors is super, super cute. Like, like if he squishes his cheeks, he's sure his hands will be full of fluffy, fluffy cheeks, and white pale cheeks.

"He's so cute, P'Wan." Young Win says a little dazed. Emphasizing 'so'.

"I mean, sure." the older boy answers.

"What do you mean? Don't you see his cheeks? Look at those cheeks." Win says forcefully.

"I see it, Win. Chill. He's cute, but my Niran is cuter!" Wan answers.

"Niran? P'Niran? How did P'Niran get into this conversation?"

"I'm just trying to tell you my crush is cuter. And I have better taste in crushes."

"P'Niran? As if he's as cute as next-door fluffy cheeks."

"Uh-huh! So you do have a crush on him!"

"Pft. No. What are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense."

"A crush doesn't have to have sense. You can find them cute, and sometimes that's enough."

"You're 13 years old, P'. Stop talking like you know what you're saying. Act normal.

"I only pretend to be funny and stupid, Win. How else are you going to sound like the smart one in this family?

"You're so weird, P'Wan. You're even weirder today." Win remarks.

He takes one more peek and torpidly smiles when cute-fluffy cheeks run around the house, making the fluffy-haired tall guy chase him around. He looks so cute in his baby blue shirt. His round cheeks making his eyes look even smaller. And-


The sound Wan made successfully bringing Win out of his daze.

The younger hastily hides his smile and clears his throat in retaliation.

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