Soft, Pink Traces

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"Hia, Pharm is so cute. Don't you think so? He's so tiny. He can fit right in my palms, and then I can squish him. And-and he'll just slip through my fingers cause that's how tiny he is." Team says in fits of uncontrollable giggles.

Win has to bend his elbow out towards Team to avoid letting him crash to his side towards the steering wheel. At one point he decided to drive with one hand so Team can settle down on the passenger seat and just hold his arm to his chest instead. A 10-minute ride became 20 because he can't drive at the same speed, despite the roads being barren.

Team was giggling his heart out and added, "Hia, you have such a huge hand. Was it always this big?" and holds Win's towards his face and holds it to the side to cup his cheek. He reveled in the way that his entire face, despite being bigger than average, is totally covered by Win's hand. He giggles again.

"I wonder if your hand can fit on Manaow's face too?" Team asks and giggles.

"Or Lee? Oh well, that guy has a tiny face. Your hand will fit right in," and continues to giggle.

Team was stopped when he feels that he was being pulled out of his seat and his arms rounding around Win's neck.

"Hia, where are you taking me? Was the party moved to another bar?" Team asks.

He giggles again when he felt someone feeling his front pockets and back pockets.

"Hia! Where are you touching?" And pouts.

"You shouldn't feel me up you know," Team adds.

"I'm sorry, baby cheeks. I was trying to look for your keys. But you don't seem to have them. Just sleep in my room for the night." Win answers.

And Team leans on the door as his shoes were being removed. He tries his best to look down without toppling over, but he can only see the top of Win's glowing head, and he just giggles the rest.


"Yes, baby cheeks?"

"Did you see that girl? The girl I was dancing with? She was pretty wasn't she?"

"Yes I did, baby. What about it?" Team senses the elder tensing, so he pokes the elder's chest, as he was being almost dragged towards the bed.

"Is it just me or she kinda looked like P'Aim?," Team inquires.

Win is trying to take his clothes off one by one. His oversized yellow shirt was the first to go, then he felt his jeans being pulled off as well, and Team is pushing the elder's hands away.

"Team, you're gonna whine and complain in the morning if you're gonna sleep in these clothes. These pants are too tight," Win says.

So Team lets him be, and now he's sprawled out on the cool mattress. He curls his body towards his knees cause the AC was turned too high. And then he flinches full force when his arms are being wiped with a wet towel.

"Hia. Cold." Team whines.

"I know, baby. But you'll sleep better after this. Just bear with it a bit more, okay?" Win answers.

Team pouts but nods anyway. He waits for Win to finish wiping him down, and he sits up better so Win can wipe him better. Just as the elder was done, Team grabs Win's shirt and unbuttons the shirt down.

Win holds his hands to stop him, leans back, and looks at Team straight in the eyes.

"Hia, why are you stopping me? Let me," and makes grabby hands.

Win clicks his tongue, and lets Team continue what he wanted to do.

With how blurry and with his vision spinning, Team is struggling to unbutton them all, but he successfully did, and it made him do a little 'happy dance'.

Win snickers at him in amusement, and he stands up to take his pants off as well. He goes to his dresser to grab something for them to sleep in. Team is now laying on his side, waiting for Win to come back, and he opens his eyes when some sort of clothing hit him. He takes it from the side of his head and brings it up to see what it was. It was the old, oversized, and overused shirt he used to wear to sleep.

"Ha. So this is where it went. I thought I left it at home," and giggles. Then he rolls the shirt into a ball and hugs it to his chest and mumbles incoherently.

"No. You lent them to me one time I slept over at your house. I forgot it was with me. I hope you don't mind I forgot to give them back," Win answers.

Team thinks, 'it's fine. I was supposed to give it to you. But I chickened out last minute, so I just used it myself so I can imagine it was yours' and started giggling to himself again.

Team was just feeling the soft material of the overused shirt. It was now too loose because of being washed over and over again for the past 2 years for he wears it to sleep every day. Only missing the days he forgot where it went.

Team clutching the cloth to his face and became so happy realizing it now smelled like the older. Like detergent and sandalwood, and something uniquely Win. But he put the shirt down when felt like, someone was looking at him. Sternly.

You know that feeling where you can feel that somebody is looking at you, so you unconsciously look in that direction? But in Team's case, there was no other direction, but directly in front of him. So he did.

He opened his eyes and saw Win looking at him. It wasn't angry, or annoyed, or sad. He wasn't quite smiling either. If Team were to put a word on it, it was worried. But he looked like he wasn't worried either.

But his drunk brain can only register, 'sad', 'worried', so he brought his index finger up, and gently poked at the space between Win's shapely eyebrows, and smiles when it effectively smoothened out the deep furrow.

Team brought his finger down, but before it gets too far away, Win held his finger in his hand, and it was brought to the elder's cheeks.

Team has dreamed of this. For years, he's dreamed about this.

Where he can freely graze his fingers on the elder's eyebrows, then slowly trace it down towards his prominent nose, to the sides towards the older's high cheekbones, and just lightly poke at his pale, flawless cheeks.

And when he's made sure the older isn't awakened, he'll tenderly trace his lips, every soft, pink, bit of it.

And when the elder finally awakes, he'll ask for a kiss. And he'll feel his heart soar and he'll hear it sing.

"Team? Can I kiss you, baby cheeks?" Win asks.

And in his dream, the elder loves him, just like how he loves him. And he'll aggressively say yes to every kiss. So he nods his head, yes, and the elder pulls him towards him and crashes his lips with his.


Okay, this turned out waaaay too soft than I intended, but this is toooo pining and shit for me to change. And I love pining sooo.  I'm cutting it again as it's turning into a monster. But I swear the next chapter will be the actual ACTION. Hehehe

All comments, suggestions, criticisms, fangirling, is very welcome! Please tell me what you guys think. Haha

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Until then,


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