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"How's your song coming along Ai'Team," Lee asks.

Team smiles and squints his eyes a little. Then he opens one eye fully to look at his friend,

"Does this tell you how it's coming along?" Team asks

Lee purses his lips in concentration.

"I think it means you suck, and you're just winging everything. Probably fail the class at this point." Lee answers

Team teasingly holds a punch in the air for Lee and the other leans back and holds his hands up in surrender.

"Oop- was I wrong?"

"Shia Lee! If you jinx me into failing, I'll strangle you."

And chases the other out, without forgetting his backpack.

'Team, we're at the canteen. The line was long so we bought you what we bought,' the text from Manaow reads.

Another text comes 'No complaining. You took your sweet time'

Team replies 'Krap Mae and Mae'

He rounds his arm around Lee's neck and the other rounds his arms on his waist and playfully lifts him up with one arm.

"Shia, you're strong." Team says.

Lee smirks and shrugs.

They play rowdily till they got to the canteen.

It's been a couple of months since that incident. And- and life has been normal.

And his song is coming along nicely. From all the pent up feelings he's had.

But lately, lately he's been feeling empty.

Win has another arm candy clinging to his arm, and every other night, they play games or eat junk food with an old movie playing on TV.

Too normal. Too quiet. Like something big was gonna happen cause that's just how his luck is.

Team settles on the canteen chair, Lee right beside him, and they teasingly look at Pharm who was smiling on his phone.

They both look at Manaow and the only girl in the team, nod, and signal them both.

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Pharm almost jumps off his seat, clutching his phone to his chest, and eyes wide in shock.

He glares at the 3 people at the table and angrily stomps his feet.

"You scared the hell out of me, jerks. What was that for?

"Of course you'll be scared. You're scared we'll see who you're texting with,"

"Who is it anyway? It can't be your mom or your brother," Lee says.

Team and Manaow's eyebrows raise in that statement. They both smile in mirth.

"And what made you say that huh, Ai' Lee?" Manaow asks.

Team follows suit by elbowing his arm on the table, and Pharm is once again, sneaking glances on his screen.

"Well, you bunch are just too painfully obvious," Lee says.

"Manaow, you don't have anyone texting you but you're always on the phone for 'latest news' probably Y-related. Even if somebody approaches you, you won't notice cause you like Y-boys too much," Manaow's mouth open in shock, like fish out of water, searching for an explanation, when she doesn't have one, she slaps Team's giggling face.

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