All Into Boys!

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It was a little rocky for the first couple of weeks, but they eventually got it. They eventually got how they could avoid Phawin and get away with it.

Team would rather not explain how, cause it's bloody messy, but they did, but not without any repercussions.

The shortcut version is it involves with Team staying in Pharm's and Manaow's place, depending on what day and what activities are involved that day.

Luckily since Team and Phawin didn't have any classes together, they could avoid him in the daytime just fine. So the challenge was after swimming practice. So they devised a plan where Team has to leave earlier than he's used to since Win loves to keep him after hours to personally train him. So what they did was, they got Lee involved with the whole thing, to which the young man was oh-so-happy to get involved. Although Team swears he's just a nosy bastard. But this nosy bastard is helping him, so he shuts his lips.

Oh, and sometimes, Team has to sleepover at Lee's place since one time, suddenly, in the middle of the night, Win arrived at Pharm's condo, looking for the younger male in Pharm's absolute horror. Pharm, to all the gods, thanked them because luckily Team wasn't sleeping at his place that night. He was at Lee's finishing the last bits of their song.

Anyway on a lighter note, with all the hiding, and running away, Team finally finished his song.

Even before the whole mess with him and Win accidentally sleeping together (twice. Twice. I repeat. Twice) Team knew his song would be yet another one about Win. His songs always did.

But what's more surprising is how Lee's song is about a one-sided crush too, and it was Manaow who notices it.

"Ai'Lee, I'm not surprised by Team's song in any way because I know how he is absolutely, disgustingly, destroyed for one person. But yours seems to be one too. About a one-sided love that you already have for a long time. So, what's that about?" Manaow asked while taking a sip of her Pink Milk.

"Oh yeah, at first, I was so sure you had a crush on Team. But now I'm not so sure," Pharm adds.

which Lee accidentally blew his iced coffee because he was so surprised. Luckily no one was in front of him.

"Me? Have a crush on Team? He wishes," Lee answers when he composed himself with a few slaps to the chest.

Team did not appreciate the insult so he punches his arms enough to bruise.

"Hey! That's not nice," Team says.

"What? Them assuming I like you is not nice too. I'd rather get impaled with a spoon or something,"

"As if I'm any different. I'd rather- umm. Umm." Team starts

"Pharm, Manaow, give me a comeback, you started this," looking and gesturing at two of his friends.

"You'd rather get pushed off the top of Mount Everest?" Pharm suggests.

"Yes! That!" Team exclaims.

"Touche'" Lee answers.

"So? Who is it about?" Team asks.

"Umm, okay. If I tell you about this, you can never tell any other living soul. Okay? Or else I'll have to kill you,"

"We swear on our life. But it's not like we have any other friends tho? Who are we gonna tell?" Pharm asks.

"You'll understand once I tell you," Lee starts and inhales deeply before he continues.

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